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Wright, Ganguly defend Dravid

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Ball Tampering
by Joe on Jan 28, 2004 01:47 PM

There should be a panel that compares the decisions made by umpires in a game so as to standardise the umpiring. This will help to prevent favouritism and racial discrimination charges that are common nowadays.

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Guilty ? Dravid ?
by Girish on Jan 23, 2004 04:46 PM

It certainly seems Cricket Australia is losing not only its sporting spirit but also spoiling the spirit of the play. Cricket Australia and the Australian Cricket team never expected such a tough fight from India. And now that India has fought well (though not won the Test series) and leading to give a real fight in the One dayers Inidan team has become a nightmare. In my openion they are trying to bring our players in some kind of pressure. But my message to the team is don't consider the alligations and accusation keep fighting and show the Austrlians the real Indian Spirit of the game.

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felt bad by the judgement
by Madan on Jan 22, 2004 12:14 PM

This is ridiculous that now a days some judgers are attacking on Indian players.In the test series too Indian players were Victims for the very bad judgement of Umpire Bukhnor.I think we have to have rules for conduct to Umpires and Judgers too.

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Hope time will talk for itself!!!
by Dhananjaya on Jan 22, 2004 08:01 AM

Chappel's remarks on Dravid's action strikes me. The same act, was reacted upon in totally different perspectives by 2 guys at the commentary box, at the same time. How come Greig be so sure that it is an intentional act?

Is it not possible to make out from the video, if what Dravid/Wright say, or what Ian Chappel thought, may be right or wrong? Is it not the responsibility of media to investigate, who take so much liberty in tarnishing one's image?

Why is no one looking at what position of the game this happened?(i myself dont know which drinks break it is). You know what i am hinting at...

Very few enjoy doing an offence in the public, knowing the possible consequences, and what to talk about dravid with such an clean image. Though it sounds like the very first any one wud make to defend himself, it needs to be mentioned as a reminder.

Dravid remains innocent, unless and until one can rule out Dravid's version of the story with 100% confidence, even after a very close examination of the video replays.

Though its fair on part of Ponting, Greig and Lloyd to suspect, they could probably refrain from letting their suspecion out(ponting) or concluding(the other two), for a few more days. It is the reputation of a Mr.Gentleman who probably is not too much a stranger to them.

Probably time will talk for itself. I can just hope my instincts are proved right.

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Rahul Dravid
by sudhir on Jan 21, 2004 01:31 PM

This is nothing but a racial slurr against Indian. The match referee has no guts to control thoses goras who swear & abuse + bodily threathen players who are from India/Sri Lanka.

Shame on the match referee & the Senior Indian Commentators who forever are out to support the Indian opponents (especially Ravi Shastri & that Harsha Bhogle)

We all know from the past that Ravi Shastri did nothing for India while playing cricket, tell him to keep his comments to his past performances.

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Wright, Ganguly defend Dravid
by Gaurav on Jan 21, 2004 01:30 PM

I think it is foolish framing a cricketer like Dravid for such a silly and unintentional mistake. It can happen to anyone and I think the ICC match referee was too harsh on Dravid. Had it been an Australian or English player, he would have escaped without any damages; but being an Indian you are subjected to more stricter rules and punishments. Still there is a lot of discrimination between players from the subcontinent and from England/Australia. Its time the ICC realises it will not do them any good following these double standards, when most of their revenues come from the subcontinent, India in particular.
And an advise for Mr Heath Streak. Focus more on the game and not on such petty things. Be a respectful loser and stop complaining.

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 Yogesh Lajmi
Wright,Ganguly defend Dravid...
by Yogesh Lajmi on Jan 21, 2004 11:42 AM

Is it by coincidence or design that only West Indian Umpires are behind the fining/banning etc., of Indian Players ?
Wes Hall...and now Clive Lloyd...!

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Pitch Tampering Vs Ball Tampering
by Ram on Jan 21, 2004 11:35 AM

These Procters (and Gambles) of Cricket when white groundsmen "accidently" did some "honest mistakes" by tampering the pitch, we did not see any fine or punishments of this sort.

Some "browne" points need to be addressed by BCCI. This sort of humiliation based on racism must be resisted at all costs.

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All bowlers ie fast, medium,spinners are ball tampers.
by V.A.N.RAJU SRIBUDHARAJU on Jan 21, 2004 11:30 AM

To this date all blowers are tampers because bowlers wipe hard on their thigh to lose shine or to make shine,wipe saliva on ball,wipe other sort of things like creams,perspiration and so on.The ICC should come forward to stop these activities and play their natural game.

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