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''India choke in the big matches''

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Absolute nonsense
by Dheeban on Feb 29, 2004 02:42 AM

Is Latiff crazy? Who is talking about negative cricket? Some one who grounded a catch and appealed for it and got banned?? If India are not the favourite, does he mean that Pakistan with such a "great and experienced" batting that has "proved" itself all over the world are favourites? It is a shame that a team from sub-continent like Pakistan play spin so badly. He says India have not achieved anything notable in Tests or ODIs recently? Wasn't the Australia Test series recent? Didn't India draw the series? Didn't India dominate the series? Did Pakistan go to world cup finals last year? I thought it was India. Pakistan did not even qualify for the super sixes, right? I don't understand why people give a damn to the views of people like Latiff.

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