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One stone and tour could be off

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sanjay bhadkamkar
Pakistan Tour.
by sanjay bhadkamkar on Feb 26, 2004 09:34 PM

Pakistan tour after 14 years, a great event.Keep all things aside,security is a Pakistan's problem,no need to publicise this issue now. Let us wait and see.MOU is always there to take care of such untoward incidents if at all it happens.Pakistan needs Indian tours not only in Pakistan but also in Sharjah.They must have had tremendous financial losses due to many countries refused to play against them in Pakistan.

Musharaf will ensure 100% success for the tour as Pakistan Cricket future lies in this tour.

All the best Indians.Win the tour handsomely.Pakistan team has no "DUM" to win against us now.Ignore Miandad,he is a crazy man.A single loss will devide the Pakistan tour.It's a history and will be repeated.

Do not worry about security.It will be there more than 100%.



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India should not tour pakistan for cricket
by cricket on Feb 26, 2004 08:54 PM

India should not tour pakistan. First of all pakistan is a place where terrorists are made and exported to all parts of the world ( I dont want to call this as a country, we will use this place as Terrorist Export Center , TEC )

Another thing is TEC is some thing which they will not keep up to their promises, Now by sending our cricket team , the entire team will be at risk and problem

It is a good idea to call off the tour, India playing cricket with TEC, Inida is not benefitted much too

Cricket is supposed to be called as a game played by diplomatic people , and i dont see any diplomatic people in TEC

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what abt the incidents happened in india
by fayyaz on Feb 26, 2004 08:24 PM

You have mentioned what happened in the past in pakistan but what abt pitch digging, did pakistan call off tour??
what abt the whole stadium was forcibly emptied by the police when crowed became violent and they even threw many bottles and what not and the last thing what abt the fire in the stadium in the matches like world cup semifinals..
Plz mention all these and then ask your board to call off the tour on a single stone thrown incident.
Thank you

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kirti kumar
to mr raja..
by kirti kumar on Feb 26, 2004 07:29 PM

it may be concern for pakistan cricket if one stone will be thrown on the field for mr ramiz raza he must have forgot that security of indian player is ultimate priorty for bcci .

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Very Good
by Srinath on Feb 26, 2004 06:31 PM

India should indeed pull off the tour if there is any untoward incidence on or off the field & no compensation should be paid to Pakistan.

If Rameez Raja knows that such an incidence can be disastrous for Pakistan cricket better have somebody talk about it on TV & radio & make the people accountable for the consequences.

Imran is going to give a pep talk in a couple of days.ask him to spare a few minutes & words for the people also who are surely going to spoil the fun.

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Crowds are going to be there any way.
by chanakya on Feb 26, 2004 05:38 PM

Where there is a game of cricket there is bound to be a crowd.

And we all know what happens when a crowd goes unruly.

And still we want to go.

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how about plastic missiles ?
by Deepak on Feb 26, 2004 05:35 PM

One stone and tour could be called off, what about all the plastic water bottles that get thrown during matches in India during every match, irrespective of who is winning....

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