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No credence to threat: Ban

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A Threat is a threat and has to be taken seriously.
by Pratim on Dec 06, 2004 02:20 PM

When our high commission is geetin such a threat, . The Indian Goverment should ask the Bangladesh Goverment to give them in written that none of the Indian players would be hurt.All we have is a Finance minister telling us that this threat poses no. A threat is a threat and should be taken seriously. Many people know that Bangladesh houses a lot of ISI agents and they infiltrate India from Bangladesh. How can we let out players go and play in that country when the goverment just chooses to ignore threats ? The Bangaldesh PM or the home minister has a responsibility to assure our goverment that the security will be foolproof and not a single player or any person of the team would be even touched.

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