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South Africa call off Pak tour

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Don't begin India-Pak cricket relations
by Rahul on Sep 21, 2003 09:09 AM

When SA and NZ have called off their tour citing minor bomb blasts, it is ridiculous to even think of restarting India_Pak cricket relations.
The country that faces the most threat in Pakistan are Indian players.
I plead the ICC to put forth players lives ahead of money and not otherwise.

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by Ramanathan on Sep 20, 2003 11:07 PM

Pakistan is tasting its own medicine. How dare they
ask India to travel to pak. and play. Funny

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Kaushik Das
by Kaushik Das on Sep 20, 2003 09:16 PM

And india is going overboard in planning better relations with the country in the form of matches played. Now, tell me, if tendulkar is harmed in pak, who willbe responsible?

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Right Decision !!!
by Shaw on Sep 20, 2003 08:01 PM

No other cricket playing country should play cricket in Pukistan. Bangladesh, apart ;-) The country is a huge security risk. Jehadis and terrorists running around beserk. Abu Pervez, the dictator, himself turning a blind eye to terrorism against India and Afghanistan.

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