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Vaughan defends England

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Lewin Fernandes
Vaughan defends England
by Lewin Fernandes on Sep 04, 2003 10:55 AM

Firstly, I think that English Cricket has always been guilty of living in the past. I really don't know what fantastic summer Michael Vaughan is referring to. If he reckons that victories against a mediocre Pakistan team in a three match series and a win in the tri-series against Zim and SA then he must have been on another planet. The current Pakistan team is in the rebuilding process and is nowhere compared to Pakistan teams of the past. As concerns victory in the tri-series I feel that Zimbabwe is not a fighting team anymore and if the final was a three match showdown, then England would have come second best. I feel that England have the talent and lot of it lauguishing in the county scene, it is upto them to pick the right players and give them a decent run; and I by talent I don't mean Mark Ramprakash. Get some new blood in, some young enthusiastic lads who show no fear and have the win at all costs attitude. I feel that ex-players like Geoff Boycott and Ian Botham could be hired as selection comittee members and help the current selectors to identify better England prospects who could serve the team well and mould it into a winning combination rather than losers and whiners.

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