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Pressure on Sachin: Ponting

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Sachin is not the only one
by Twissi on Nov 05, 2003 01:01 PM  | Hide replies

It sounds pretty odd to depend up on a single player all the time. Cricket is a team game and requires the contribution of the one and all to get there. So Sachin is not the only player.

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RE:Sachin is not the only one
by haris on Sep 16, 2004 05:07 PM
good comment buddy

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Animesh Joshi
Strategically pressurizing sachin
by Animesh Joshi on Nov 01, 2003 02:33 PM

Who is not aware of australian strategy to pressurise the key player of the opponent. Cricket has been more a mind game these days and such remarks are enough to sense the heat wave ponting wishes to Sachin. Luckily tendlkar prefers to answer through his bat than words. Still I too realise that sachin could be feeling a sense of pressure not because being a home lad, but that wankhede hasnt been much successful venue for India while sachin believes in breaking such jinx, lets hope he leads the way to success. May his sibling also perform with his all-round performance.
All the best India. Put up a nice show.

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Action plan to win the game
by s.krishnan on Nov 01, 2003 12:58 PM

While batting first India should maintain run a ball
run rate right from the beginning,,so that in the last ten overs they can go all out to score the maximum and put up a challenging total.

While chasing target maintain the required run rate right from the beginning so that in the later stage
there will not be undue pressure on the batsmen.

Wishing Indian Team success



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Pressure never disturb our little master
by Venkat on Nov 01, 2003 12:40 PM

Ricky ponting is predicting wrongly about our little master. Screaming and cheer of the crowd and all never disturb to Sachin. Moreover it will be very helpful to the team to build a confidence that all the indians are back to them.


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ananta basudev charan dey
by ananta basudev charan dey on Nov 01, 2003 11:43 AM

according to my view sachin definitely play hos natural game.india woll win over australia

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Australian tactic
by Vijay on Nov 01, 2003 06:25 AM

I think praising Tendulkar on and off is just an Australian tactic. I think they keep praising him just to deviate him. They will usually have a very definite strategy for him and these comparison's to Bradman are just flattery.

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sachin and Indian cricket
by suseel on Nov 01, 2003 04:52 AM

what is this all about at last....are all the teams playing with sachin only or are the playing the Indian team? Do they rally think that getting sachin always does the work for them?these people should be either too foolish or too emotionally preoccupied with Sachin and think that failing to get him makes them loose thae game.

thats what makes sachin the GR8.....

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pressure on sachin
by s.harish on Nov 01, 2003 04:46 AM

yes it is a pair answer to tell about sachin because playing in home ground in frount of big indian grounds is very difficult but sachin is world best batsman he can adjuct any condition in any where

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srinivas tanniru
its gonna be a tough match
by srinivas tanniru on Nov 01, 2003 01:29 AM

It's going to be a tough match....no doubt what so ever. But, given the home conditions and the kind of form our batsmen are in, India may have an edge over the mighty Aussies. The problem Aussies have is not having a proper batsmen in the firstdown position. I dont mean to say that Ponting is bad, but his record in subcontinent coupled with his inability to play Indian spinners in the subcontinent is never going to help the Aussies cause. So, all india needs to do is break the opening partnership and then pierce through the rest of the line up, as they did in first ODI against them. Remember that Hayden and Gilchrist almost walked away through the important phase of the game and it looked as if Australia were going to win that quite comfirtably. It was the break of their partnership which cost them the match. Indians need to plan that properly. Another important thing is that our batsmen should not let us down. I am all set to experinece a wonderful battle...and i wish that it'll be worth watching game inspite of being busy with my academic course work. Good luck guys.

srinivas tanniru

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