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Pak complains against Harper

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well done
by manish on May 29, 2003 12:14 PM

PCB has done the right thing. If we feel (as it suggests from some previous articles, comments from reader on this channel itself) that there is reacism (or atleast in-equality) on the cricket administration and judicial system, then we should resort to such 'dissent' and 'complaint' sort of official forums to show our displeasure (and awareness) to this inequality. I think BCCI should also do this more often. The media can definitely help in highlighting such cases and also putting pressure.

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by santosh on May 29, 2003 06:40 AM

its funny to hear that pakistan is complaining against umpire harper for refusing to award the four runs.pakistan can bring it to the notice of icc but complaining is too much.if the indians had started complaining,then ashoka de silva wouldnt continue as umpire.

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