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Ganguly backs Le Roux''s decision

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ur great SOURAV
by SRUJANA on Jul 10, 2003 02:46 PM

sourav ur really very great.

ur captaincy is tooooooooo good.

i am a great fan of urs.

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Pay them more!!
by Vinod on Jun 10, 2003 08:29 PM

Recently I had read that Bangladesh Board is paying more to its trainers than Indian Board...If the BCCI doesn't pay well to trainers I don't think we will have any long term coaches and Trainers!!!!
But its appreciable that BCCI has shown full faith in John Wright and has not come under pressure from former Indian cricketers to have a Indian coach...We have seen our coaches,if our team is doing well now lets stick with John....Good Luck India

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by Yathin on Jun 10, 2003 02:30 PM

Board's decision to congratulate Le Roux on his work is really appreciable

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Saurabh Upadhyay
Bravo Saurav!
by Saurabh Upadhyay on Jun 09, 2003 09:38 PM

That's a guy who speaks his mind! I think we as a country are big hypocrites. The headline almost suggests no less than blasphemy.

Points to ponder:

1. Sandeep Patil as Kenya's coach was asked to assess India's chances in the match against Kenya, almost implying that an Indian who coaches a team which faces India should fall down on his knees and beg for forgiveness for his "unpatriotic" behaviour. I guess we forgave him as he said he's coming back to India even though there seemed to be no immediate place for him in the team management. That when Kenya didnt seem to be of any immediate threat to our team's chances.

2. When our coach, a former black cap, took India to NZ we asked him unfair questions on how he felt about his team taking on his home country's team.

3. And now we judge Adrian Le Roux's decision to quit and we judge a captain who says what's on his mind.

Moot point being that these guys are professionals and they should be judged so, not with glasses tinted with chauvinism firmly in place. And the scales should be fair. Patils leave and come back.. and so can the Adrians.. it's a free world folks!!

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Jose A Kollakompil
check this out
by Jose A Kollakompil on Jun 09, 2003 09:08 PM

far too short it got what it deserved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this is what happens to cricket boards who dont respect good coaches/trainers but increase their terms by a mere 1 month.i hope that our board will now atleast now how to respectfully treat good coaches.

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Lakshmy Menon
My Opinion
by Lakshmy Menon on Jun 09, 2003 08:40 PM

i feel that the decision taken by the BCCI to wish
goodluck to Le Roux is to be appreciated as it is
one's own decision as to decide which country one should serve & one will always want to serve his own.
in the 100 crore in our own country we would certainly
be able to find a person as good as Le Roux or even
better.all together a nice article from which we
could know about indian cricket which was unavailable
for the past weeks.so thanks.

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Ashish Kochar
Please do not settle for anything less.
by Ashish Kochar on Jun 09, 2003 08:14 PM

Dear Mr. Dalmiya,
I hope u give our team a great coach and not settle for anything less. Besides train few Indian guys so that they along with the senior Ph. might trickle down their knowledge to the juniors and sub juniors.

I BCCI we trust !!!

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aboput le roux joining to S.A. cricket team
by ambarish on Jun 09, 2003 07:58 PM

it, nice to see that after doing tremendous job
with indian cricket team le roux is all set to join
the S.A. team as physical trainer.
i also appreciate Ganguly(indian captain,cricket)
for appreciating le roux's stand.
at the same time it's disheartening to see that
having given great service to this indian team
he will not be there to give his service.
hope indian cricket board will find a suitable
replacement for him very soon.

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Sidhanta Patnaik
Roux Decision
by Sidhanta Patnaik on Jun 09, 2003 07:52 PM

I would like to bring the attention of all that,what Roux did may agur well for his home team but seeing from a professional point one would term his decision as immature.I am pretty sure all will have my view as cricket is a game where professionalism is on a high.
He served well for the Indian team but in a way has left a mark in the team which will take time to be filled.He has indirectly betrayed his job and has raised a question How much can teams depend upon foreign Officials for the future of their country in the concerned sports???
Leaving India after taking the team to new hieghts and after the tenure was extended says that there is something else in the matter.

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