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Le Roux dumps Indian team

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Change the title of the article
by Saradhi on Jun 10, 2003 12:01 PM

Le Roux dumps Indian team???? Le Roux havent dumped Indian team. Its BCCI who dumped Indian team and INdian Cricket public with its lack of professionality. Please change the topic of the Subject to either "BCCI Dumps Indian Cricket" or "Victim of lack of professionalism of BCCI".

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What a grate piece of journalism?!!
by GD on Jun 09, 2003 10:54 PM

"dumps" !!!!

What kind of journalism is this using words like "dumps". Is India such a thing which can be dumped. Is Le Roux such a person who can "dump" Indian team.

He got a opportunity in his own country he went for it. Hello Rediff, wake up and have respect for your own country and your team.

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Rakesh Narayan
Bye Bye Adrian
by Rakesh Narayan on Jun 09, 2003 02:12 PM  | Hide replies

This brings me to a more general issue. Avoiding brain drain. I guess Indian companies should attract top notch Indian programmers from the US by paying them competetive salaries. This is the only way we can improve our economy and become a product driven market rather than just a services driver market.
We have a lot to learn from the BCCI's willingness to pay competetive salaries to the Indian players.

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RE:Bye Bye Adrian
by Saradhi on Jun 11, 2003 01:41 PM
its not because and question of where you belongs to and it depends how you r treated......
Adrian was clueless for sometimes after England series about his Job and he was not paid for his job for some time.And tghere are more rumors and more senseless and baseless statements by former indian players about foreign coaches and other thingsa nd their contribution.

So BCCI and Indian cricekt administrators clearly lacks a vision and they should be banned , not Adrian.

He did the ebst what is good for his own life

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I am a cricket fan, but ...........
by Ragu EPIGON on Jun 09, 2003 01:46 PM

Strange! India beats Australia in Hockey and that figures nowhere in rediff headlines! There is no article on Indian teams Hockey performance. What is rediff doing. One among killers of a great game? great shame! Do not repeat it for hevens sake. God bless rediff!

--Ragu Epigon Media Technologies.

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Srinivas M S
Le Roux
by Srinivas M S on Jun 09, 2003 12:46 PM

It's sad to see someone of Roux's calibre go and in such circumstances. He has been a wonderful asset to the Indian team and has worked wonders in many ways.

What Roux said about "the honor of working with one's national team" however should be given serious consideration. It is always a privilege to be serving one's own country. Why can't the fund-rich BCCI spare some money to send our own qualified physical trainers abroad, make them professional and on par with the best in the world and appoint Indians only? All the best though, to Roux in his next assignment.

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be indian undermine indian team !!!!
by sampreeth on Jun 09, 2003 10:01 AM

congrats to Mr dalmiya
now next leipus and then wright then totally desi support staff and lets all shout mera bharath mahan and our bharath team starts to flouder once again !!!
well done faisal shariff for predicting this well in advance

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Raj Balan
Way To Go BCCI!!
by Raj Balan on Jun 09, 2003 04:35 AM

Another casualty of the BCCI's red-tape!! Every cricketer during the WC, acknowledged that Le Roux had done wonders for the team. Why did the BCCI not renew his contract earlier itself instead of paltry 1-year extensions. While those clowns get to sit on the boards for years, the guys who actually do the work, end up getting hand downs ... sad.

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