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Don''t take Kiwis lightly: Kapil

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Pleeeeeeeeeease Stop!!!!!!!!
by Shyam on Aug 10, 2003 03:55 AM

I seriously want to stop listening to anything that Kapil says! Please go away from the limelight now :(( ..whatsup with all this previous generation cricketers these days? Why can't they just let our boys handle the situation and stop giving their "expert" advices for free???

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abhay chitnis
Don't take Kiwis Lightly
by abhay chitnis on Aug 09, 2003 04:03 PM

Takings would be lighter or not will be depended upon how spin department works. As all we know the history of indian pitches & caliber of kiwis to play spin. I don't feel any drift in series results as when kiwis lastly toured here. Dravid , sachin & kaif are bond to success considering the attack they have to face here. Only point is we have not played test cricket since last new zealand tour.

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we will win
by namita on Aug 09, 2003 03:00 PM

well i think India have performed v well...recently...apart frm the big blow in the finals of the world cup..

i am v confident that we can beat the KIWI's as we did that comfortably in the World Cup.

thats all 4 now.. i will post another msg when i have something gud 2 write lol.

of anyone wants 2 reply and discuss my msg with me then u can mail me at nami_sweetheart@rediffmail.com




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kaust7ubh kulkarni
by kaust7ubh kulkarni on Aug 09, 2003 02:46 PM

kiwis are great as a team!we all know that. they have defeated us very badly in tour newzealand! so Ganguly's men must defeat them as a revenge! All Indians are waiting for that moment badly so Go boys & DEFEAT them.

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