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How Vettel went from hero to villain to superhero

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pratap mohanty
by pratap mohanty on Apr 13, 2013 01:26 PM

It seems the F1 is a hub of Sattabazar.

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Asif Mumbaikar
Redbull and Christain Horner are Morons
by Asif Mumbaikar on Apr 13, 2013 09:20 AM  | Hide replies

It is well known fact that redbull and christain horner always supported Sebastian vettel and can go to any extent to help vettel win the championship thats teh reason why he was never reprimanded or suspended for his disibedience to follow team orders so webber is right is accusing the Austrian team of favouring vettel since last 5 years and ignoring him for all seasons.Its high time webber leaves redbull or drive so slow that he finishes at 20 position so that redbull can never win the constructors championship again as vettel cant win it alone and fight with him tooth and nail and give him the taste of his own medicine.

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Karthikeyan Rajendran
Re: Redbull and Christain Horner are Morons
by Karthikeyan Rajendran on Apr 13, 2013 01:27 PM
The guy who signs 1 year contract extensions, who has no loyalty and is good at playing the victim card yet mouths about like he is a hero, please. Webber has no guts to admit he is number 2 which is the reason for this debacle. And RBR should not have issued team orders at just the second race

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Re: Redbull and Christain Horner are Morons
by INDEPENDENT on Apr 13, 2013 02:28 PM
Mr. Mumbaikar it is difficult to argue Vettel's position in the team. It is not by chance that he is the world champion for consecutive years. You may not like the cold blooded, clinical show of Vettel compared to the more humanely Webber but Vettel is right since he has proved time and again he is way much better and consistent than Webber on the same car...

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