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Girisha bags first Paralympic medal for India

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Well done Girisha
by s on Sep 04, 2012 04:03 PM

Well done Girisha. Why is this story not on the frontpage? It should be on the front of every respectable newspaper.

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karishma solanki
by karishma solanki on Sep 04, 2012 03:49 PM

and i hope he gets a BMW for his efforts...and all the cash rewards that get doled out to all others...

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soumik chowdhury
by soumik chowdhury on Sep 04, 2012 03:40 PM

You are an inspiration

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dinesh vyas
Hero of the Nation
by dinesh vyas on Sep 04, 2012 03:25 PM

India again on the maps of Olympic Medals Tally and this time who will honor this great sportsman ????????
The PM is already busy with COALGATE
The BJP decisive with PM Resignation
The state ministers of the state to which the sportsman belongs gone for a study tour on ex-chequers money??????
So no one to honor this great man who has made India and all the fellow indians Proud

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mahesh krishna
by mahesh krishna on Sep 04, 2012 03:13 PM

You have made us proud.

Unfortunate, there is no media hype on this.

Will our government honor this man?

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alexander alex
Mate you are the true champion of the nation
by alexander alex on Sep 04, 2012 03:12 PM

Absolutely great, no words can describe this feat, you are the true champion of the nation..Hope you have a great future mate..

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Kannan Palaniswamy
Congs Girisha
by Kannan Palaniswamy on Sep 04, 2012 03:03 PM

We are proud of you..

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anand ganesh
Congratulations Girisha
by anand ganesh on Sep 04, 2012 03:01 PM

You have made us proud. Why no media hype on this?

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Shugota Chakrabarti
We are proud of You Girisha.
by Shugota Chakrabarti on Sep 04, 2012 03:00 PM

You are an inspiration for many

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by Guest on Sep 04, 2012 02:57 PM

you made us proud

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