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Nadal beats Djokovic for Rome Masters crown

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Rafael is not
by Demons on May 22, 2012 11:46 AM  | Hide replies

he is "God of Clay".

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Re: Rafael is not
by Demons on May 22, 2012 11:48 AM
he's no longer "King"

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Proud to be a Nadal fan
by Father on May 22, 2012 11:42 AM  | Hide replies

You are right Hussain, that wont be count anyway.
If its in your hand i am sure you will delet clay from the world.
If Nadal hasnt won any tournament on any other surface because it was Nova era when he has won almost everything where Nadal lost 5 finale to him on other surfaces.
Now would you say what Nadal has won before 2010 will also not count ???
Hussain, i have told you some time time back, you are just a sick Nadal haters rather than fedex fan, u have started counting Nova also above Nadal is sign of your sickness, i told you it will be very interesting to see how Nova able to hold himself once he start loosing, i hope you have seen the match yesterday, just a start, lot to follow bro...

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Re: Re: Proud to be a Nadal fan
by Father on May 22, 2012 11:52 AM
I suppose Fedex also a athlete and then its applicable on him as well so on Nova as suddenly in last one and haf year he got so much depth in his return, power in forehand and backhand

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Re: Proud to be a Nadal fan
by HUSSAIN MITHANI on May 22, 2012 12:25 PM
if it was in Nadal's hands, blue clay would definately be deleted from this world. Its proven time and time again that Nadal success and records are restricted to red clay only. Don't blame it on Novak era. Novak was no where in 2010. what happened to nadal in 2011? If he is so good on other surfaces, why could he not beat Novak in 2011. he had no problems before. I will tell you why because Nadal is not the second best player on grass or outdoor hard courts or indoor hard courts or now the most recent blue clay. He cannot adapt well to different surfaces. Of all the years he has been in tennis, he has managed to win no ATP world tour titles and has only 1 austrailian and us open and 2 wimbledon (that is also thanks to surface change). The tennis statistics show that nadal titles and records are restricted to red clay only. He can't even win on blue clay. I have told you before too that practice what you preach. There are alot of sick federer haters but you don't point fingers at them. Novak is the no.1 player in the world right now, its obvious he is better than nadal that is why he is no.1. Blaming me for putting Novak above Nadal is ridiculous. Novak is no.1 because of the titles he won last year and continues to do so this year. All Nadal proved since 2010 is that he is good on red clay only. I told you as well that Novak did lose last year and this year and he is still no.1 so things haven't changed. I saw the match and it was on red clay so I wasn't surprised.

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Re: Re: Proud to be a Nadal fan
by Father on May 22, 2012 01:41 PM
Your reply again very very vulnarable, read carefully, i am sure u urself will know about hw narrow u think when it comes to Nadal.
1. Why restricting Nadal only after 2010, y not before that...
2. No one in the world can say the person who plays better on other surface than clay are better player than the person who play better on clay.
3.ahahhahahah, only one US open and Australian open, r u writing off Nadal for his career ???
4. Wimbledon changed surface, it doesnt changed only for Nadal, but for everyone so delete Wimbledon title from his winning record and so Fedex title, look at where both stands on slams record then.
4. Talking about instances, just imagine, Nadal on same Era as Fedex in his prime, i m sure fedex wud not have able to win half of Slams what he is having in bag right now.
In Last, no denial fedex is one of greatest of all time forget Tennis but any sports played by any athelete, i am sure u doesnt required any more acceptance of Fedex greatness by a hard core Nadal fan.
Thats the reason i always told u about ur sickness, i m sure u wont count Nadal even in top 100 of all time when world has accepted where we are fighting for all to accept him as a Tennis player atleast.

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Re: Re: Re: Proud to be a Nadal fan
by Sweta on May 22, 2012 07:35 PM
Nadal Fans: They always support Nadal when he wins and continue to do so when he loses.
"So called Federer Fans: Praise Federer if he wins, fine. Then when Federer loses, they jump onto Djoko wagon and start praising him. Such hypocrites.

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Re: Re: Re: Proud to be a Nadal fan
by HUSSAIN MITHANI on May 23, 2012 11:46 AM
no, my reply was not vulnerable. it has alot of things you fail to understand or don't want to understand. I am narrow minded?? look at yourself before pointing fingers. you have clear bias towards other nadal fans who ridicule federer and even come with muliple ids here. heck you maybe even one of them. atleast be man or woman enough to admit your bias instead of pointing fingers. I am not restricting nadal after 2010 . I am just giving you a fact that nadal hasn't won a non-clay title since 2010. again, you are not reading my post. please read it carefully. nobody is ending nadal's career. why am I deleting wimbledon for federer. do you not know your tennis? wimbledon surface is not as fast as it used to be. Its been changed to make it more slower and has a more clay appeal to it. federer can play on faster wimbledon surface just like pete did, nadal can't. his game is more suited for slower surface like red clay. stop imagining things, ifs and buts are not going to change anything. how can you say for sure federer would not have won if nadal was in the same era as federer. that argument of yours has no basis. I don't have a sickness, you surely do, picking on only federer fans when there are alot of sick nadal fans waiting to be picked by you but its clear your partially towards them. after all you are a nadal fan.

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Nadal as No 1 in 2012
by Mephistophilus on May 22, 2012 11:39 AM

Nadal was not at his best yesterday, yet he managed to take down Djokovic at his best on clay. I dont think any more proof is needed
of Nadal in GOAT debate.

He is grit and perseverance personified. How on earth could a man serving 56% of first serves against the best returner of the generation take the first set at 7-5? When I watched Nadal squandering the early break in first set and then Djoker stepped his play, I almost thought his resistance in 1st set is as good as over.
This stealing a game/set/match against unbelievable odds is Nadals forte. (Nadal against Berdych in AO QF, Djoker 4th set in AO final etc in recent memory).

Federer wilts under great pressure, which Nadal dont unless his body betrays him. This is the difference in Nadal Fed games as far as I see. Most of Nadal wins are conjured out of thin air against Federer, while Fedeere won comprehensively his few against an injured Nadal. Take it Fed fanboys

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by HUSSAIN MITHANI on May 22, 2012 11:38 AM  | Hide replies

once again nadal proves he only good on RED CLAY. his success has been mostly restricted to red clay only and he shows yet again why he is king of red clay only. He is not an all-court player. He is still waiting for his first title in any other surface other than red clay since 2010. He could not even win on blue clay. That is why he lost his no.2 ranking. Just by winning on red clay is not going to make nadal no.1 and federer proved it by surpassing nadal and regaining the no.2 ranking at the age of 30 by winning titles on different surfaces. Even Novak cannot stop Nadal every time on red clay since Nadal is the king ofcourse on red clay but he falters when it comes to other surfaces. Nadal has regained the no.2 ranking but may lose it again if he doesn't defend the french open. Best of luck to the Red Clay Court Specialist Nadal.

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Re: Congratulationa to RED CLAY SPECIALIST NADAL
by Mephistophilus on May 22, 2012 11:44 AM
Nadal is SO GOOD at clay that this brilliance often masks his extraordinary achievements in Hard and grass courts. Fed and Djoker are arguably two of the best Hard court players of the generation, and Fed the best in grass after Sampras. Now Nadal winning great tournaments from them and them winning almost nothing against him speaks volumes about the fallacy that a normal fan holds about Nadal is only good in clay.

If it was not the brilliance of Djoker in 2011 Nadal would have won almost all best hard court tournies in the world. How many players can do that MR???

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Re: Re: Congratulationa to RED CLAY SPECIALIST NADAL
by HUSSAIN MITHANI on May 22, 2012 12:41 PM
what extraordinary achievements on grass and hardcourts? he has only 1 austrailian and us open title. only 2 wimbledon titles and that is thanks to surface change and no ATP world tour titles. Federer is all-court player as proven by his 6 atp titles, 6 wimbledon, 5 us open and 4 austrailian open. on top of that, he is second best clay court player after nadal. Excluding clay, nadal is not even the second best in any other surface. look at the tennis statistics buddy. nadal records and titles are restricted to red clay alone. Nadal even faltered on blue clay. so Nadal is only good on red clay. Nadal didn't really win tournament from Novak when he lost to him seven straight times on different surfaces. Novak has lost only on red clay against nadal this year. Nadal has met federer mostly on clay, that is why the H2H is in favor of nadal. see my point, all arguments lead to nadal having success on red clay only. don't blame novak for nadal's weaknesses. Nadal easily wins titles on red clay so why wasn't he able to do the same thing on other surfaces. because he is a red clay court specialist and fails to win on other surfaces. Just because nadal hasn't won other surfaces, you are blaming novak for that. did you forget that federer has beaten nadal at the atp world tour last year and this year at indian wells and that too when federer has past his peak so why wasn't nadal able to beat federer? Nadal fails one way or another on other surfaces. it doesn't have to novak or federer.

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Sorry Nadal
by Father on May 22, 2012 11:13 AM

Sorry Nadal, this win wont count because its came on clay.
For Nadal any win on clay wont be count and look at as winning.
But for others all court win will count.

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Bango Tamgo
by Bango Tamgo on May 22, 2012 11:01 AM  | Hide replies

Google-'did new york times out roger federer' for the stunning truth.I have always enlightened the people here with my knowledge and now I bring more proof

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bango tango
by bango tango on May 22, 2012 11:46 AM
google "the curious case of nadal "

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Bango Tamgo
by Bango Tamgo on May 22, 2012 10:36 AM  | Hide replies

At 30,you cant expect him to win anything.This has become a strong argument in our hands,as Fede fans.Other than abuses we dont have anything left anymore.We know and accept that when it comes to serious tennis and the Grand Slams,it's Novak and Nadal who are the men who matter.But like Micheal Schumacher,SRT,Greg Norman etc,Federer brings the touch of the glorious bygone era and draws spectator interest.Go ROGER FEDERER GO!

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Undie Tiwari
by Undie Tiwari on May 22, 2012 10:39 AM
Didn't he win Madrid just the week before? Fed is the one who can adapt to change and new courts. The others cannot adapt. For that itself, Fed is the GOAT. Nole and Rafa were only complaining like sissies.

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Bango Tamgo
Re: Re: GOAT
by Bango Tamgo on May 22, 2012 10:47 AM
Correct,but it is these 2 sissies who are in every final of note for the last 2-3 years.So they must be really good sissies.Adapting to new courts only gets you so far....like an occasional win on blue clay when someone else takes out the top 2.

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Bango Tamgo
Re: Re: GOAT
by Bango Tamgo on May 22, 2012 10:49 AM
And I guess you only watched the Madrid final...cos if you were following the tournament you would know that Federer was the first to complain about the surface...oh wait I guess that's not counted.LOL.

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Bango Tamgo
Re: Re: Re: GOAT
by Bango Tamgo on May 22, 2012 11:01 AM
Google-'did new york times out roger federer' for the stunning truth.I have always enlightened the people here with my knowledge and now I bring more proof

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Undie Tiwari
Re: Re: Re: GOAT
by Undie Tiwari on May 22, 2012 11:33 AM
Who were the cry babies who threatened to walk out next year after losing here?

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Re: Re: Re: Re: GOAT
by Father on May 22, 2012 11:49 AM
Chaaddddiiii wala baba... He complains about court well before loosing, it was just an one of bad half an hour makes him loose or we would have talked about 4th straight finale win for Nadal then it would have interesting to see u all wud have say yet another clay win because its Nadal who has won

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deepak kotnis
by deepak kotnis on May 22, 2012 12:41 AM  | Hide replies

Nadal must have been born on a bed made of Clay.

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Bango Tamgo
Re: Re: Nadal..
by Bango Tamgo on May 22, 2012 10:40 AM
You are correct,but please dont say it in public,Mithani.It hurts yaar.Truth is painful.

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Bango Tamgo
Re: Re: Re: Nadal..
by Bango Tamgo on May 22, 2012 11:00 AM
Google-'did new york times out roger federer' for the stunning truth.I have always enlightened the people here with my knowledge and now I bring more proof.

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Re: Nadal..
by HUSSAIN MITHANI on May 22, 2012 11:21 AM
Red clay to be exact. His game only suits the slower courts that is why his success is mostly restricted to red clay only. Change the surface and Nadal falters as shown recently by blue clay and as proven by his failure to win any non-clay titles since 2010.

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Re: Re: Nadal..
by Father on May 22, 2012 11:39 AM
You are right Hussain, that wont be count anyway.
If its in your hand i am sure you will delet clay from the world.
If Nadal hasnt won any tournament on any other surface because it was Nova era when he has won almost everything where Nadal lost 5 finale to him on other surfaces.
Now would you say what Nadal has won before 2010 will also not count ???
Hussain, i have told you some time time back, you are just a sick Nadal haters rather than fedex fan, u have started counting Nova also above Nadal is sign of your sickness, i told you it will be very interesting to see how Nova able to hold himself once he start loosing, i hope you have seen the match yesterday, just a start, lot to follow bro...

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bingo lingo
nadal fans don't admit the facts n mark my comments as abusive...
by bingo lingo on May 22, 2012 12:03 AM  | Hide replies

can any one of the nadal fan say that how come he improved his serve only for one particular tournament ???? y is he not using that same tournament ????

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Re: Re: nadal fans don't admit the facts n mark my comments as ab
by Sweta on May 22, 2012 12:19 AM
Yes I did google what you said. I got one personal blog - which one is free to write whatever they believe is correct. And there were links from Times of India that said "Nadal downs Federer to reach Australian Open finals". "Nadal still the puzzle Federer can't solve"

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Bango Tamgo
Re: Re: Re: nadal fans don't admit the facts n mark my comments a
by Bango Tamgo on May 22, 2012 11:02 AM
Sweta-Google-'did new york times out roger federer' for the stunning truth.I have always enlightened the people here with my knowledge and now I bring more proof

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bingo lingo
Re: Re: Re: nadal fans don't admit the facts n mark my comments a
by bingo lingo on May 22, 2012 12:29 AM
according to you, Bill Tilden and Bjorn Borg are the greatest ever...coz they dont have negative H2H agnst any player...

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bango tango
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: nadal fans don't admit the facts n mark my co
by bango tango on May 22, 2012 10:35 AM
y not Bill Tilden will be called as the greatest ??????

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Bango Tamgo
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: nadal fans don't admit the facts n mark my co
by Bango Tamgo on May 22, 2012 10:39 AM
Because Bill Tilden was a doper.Let me answer my own question.Except for Federer,every other player in ATP history is a doper.Even ATP officials are dopers.And all Nadal fans and experts who praise Nadal are also dopers.

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bango tango
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: nadal fans don't admit the facts n mark my co
by bango tango on May 22, 2012 10:45 AM
do u admit the fact that nadal takes a hell lot of time to do the serve or not ?????

i hope u r watching all his matches....

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Bango Tamgo
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: nadal fans don't admit the facts n mark my co
by Bango Tamgo on May 22, 2012 10:59 AM
Google-'did new york times out roger federer' for the stunning truth.

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