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'London's Olympic stadium not fit for soccer'

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Jairam Kshirasagar
Boycott England 2012
by Jairam Kshirasagar on Feb 21, 2012 01:05 AM

Olympics, one of the prestigious sports events that takes place once in every four years. Any nation hosting the event will be under deep pressure & tensions due to thousands of reasons. Unfortunately, India never had the chance to host such event and I doubt it would be barely possible in short period. As the most & major hurdles to host such event are: security, accurate administration & management. Unfortunately, there is no doubt we lack in these. Due to the corruption in the country these issues will need long time to be on track. Therefore, in regards to boycott the England Olympics by Indians is senseless & meaningless; and to some extent sounds to be childish or a child’s play. Our father of nation said, an eye to eye will make the whole world blind. If we boycott this, the Whites will sure wait for an opportunity to put us down in some or the other way(s), also we should not forget that there are 1000s of Indians residing in England and any harsh or strict rules might put their lives in danger or will be forced to return to India.
Moreover no one is sure or no evidence has proved that, Dow Chemicals is 100% responsible for the 1984, Bhopal gas tragedy. By the boycott there will be violence and relationships with other nations will also turn down. Who knows this Olympics may make our nation proud by producing excellent performance that the country is dreaming about. Better participate like a good nation & humans and try to win the maximum me

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tapas biswas
Look Who is Talking
by tapas biswas on Feb 17, 2012 05:57 AM

As Indians we do not have the right to talk about other countries. Rediff journalists should understand that. Masala news are O.k. But, there is something called shame. And we as Indians are ashamed of Kalmadi for the corruption, and the Law for letting corrupt Kalmadi away with mere bribe to the judges.

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Please probe Kalmadi's involvement in the contracts allocations
by Khadmutra on Feb 16, 2012 09:52 PM

Please probe Kalmadi's involvement in the contracts allocations

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Nandu Indian
Olympic is not fit for London
by Nandu Indian on Feb 16, 2012 09:22 PM

Please improve Olympic to adjust it to London

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