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End of an era? Let's talk in six months! says Federer

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End of Era
by Abhijit on Jan 28, 2011 11:29 AM  | Hide replies

These phrases are created by media.
Australian cricket team's end of era, West Indies cricket team's end of an era..........
There could be no start and end of an era in sports.
Good matches will be there always for us

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Re: End of Era
by mang on Jan 28, 2011 02:33 PM
I want to see headline like - Sachin finally retires - an end of era..

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federer is not going anywhere
by HUSSAIN MITHANI on Jan 28, 2011 11:27 AM  | Hide replies

he has been doing so well beating all the top players. he is not going to quit just because he lost. you win some, you lose some. you can't win them all. federer has always been a great competitor and all the top players will agree to that. He is going to come back even stronger in other tournaments of this year. all the other players better watch out. he is going to give stiff competition to all the top players out there. so better bring your "A" game. fedex is not done yet.

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chandiran v
Re: federer is not going anywhere
by chandiran v on Jan 28, 2011 01:32 PM
Totally agreed

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Achint Porwal
He is all time best player .................
by Achint Porwal on Jan 28, 2011 11:19 AM

He is all time best player .................

He is all time best player .................

He is all time best player .................

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