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Top British trio pull out of CWG

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jeevan shetty
by jeevan shetty on Sep 22, 2010 11:50 AM  | Hide replies

We all know that this white countries like Australia, Newzeland, England etc are always eager to drag us down.They never accept us growing or doing something which only developed countries are known for. Knowing all these, we should not have accepted this Commonwealth event. We need not prove anything to those sick nations. we will work hard and prosper the way japan or china are doing.
Again, if we are keen on hosting such a mega event, we should hv done proper groundwork years before. when few days are left all these problems, frauds etc are coming to th light. everybody is blaming one mr. suresh kalmadi. how can a country of 1 billion can depend on one person to conduct such a mega event which is supposed to be the indication of growing india's power and capability. the govt should have taken proper measures long back.making committees involving people from diffrenet walks of life like industry, sports, politics.
again congress howed its really colors when it comes to failures. why none of the top leaders like sonia, rahul, manmohan, pawar, mukerjee giving a single statement. all the blames are going to kalmadi. its wrong.
if the event gets cancelled or goes on in poor way..its an insult to the country and whole developed nations will laugh on us.

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by Indian on Sep 22, 2010 11:55 AM
you are asking the thick skin parasite government...and they least bother about...its not going to get them vote bank..for them important thing is to think about caste, religion, poor and helicopter survey of drought or flooded area ...
you can pray only god who sometime listen to our woos ......may god save our country from getting bad name...

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Mr Walker
punish all the culprits
by Mr Walker on Sep 22, 2010 11:48 AM  | Hide replies

all culprits responsible for this mess should be punished severely Congress senior members and the PM are also responsible for this mess as they are the ones who have supported kalmadi and his corrupt gang till date.

this is the nations prestige at stake punish the guilty and dont let them come back

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Re: punish all the culprits
by Indian on Sep 22, 2010 11:57 AM
pm?? once you say PM & Sonia then government wont believe it..country is not more important to them than sonia or puppet pm..and mind you they are busy in increasing their next salary....still they are not getting as per their US counterpart...

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by PoliticallyIncorrect on Sep 22, 2010 11:47 AM

MMS if he has any kind of manhood left in him, should take responsibility of bringing this shame to India.. and step down from PM seat and dissolve the UPA govt...

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anand zawar
Re: SOS to Mush
by anand zawar on Sep 22, 2010 11:54 AM
ha ha ha ha

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Delhi is not the best choice
by Sankar on Sep 22, 2010 11:43 AM  | Hide replies

There are 4 metropolitan cities in India, and from that only 3( mumbai,chennai,kalkata), have contributed for the betterment of India.. due to its sea port and many more things .
Delhi is a exagrated city can't reached very easily by international.
Why they are ignoring chennai & kolkata.
and there are many more emeged cities why always concentrating mumbai and delhi, easily targeted by terrorists also

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Re: Delhi is not the best choice
by patric on Sep 22, 2010 11:49 AM
It would have been arranged in any city that is very near to sea port for better choice, sucessful cwg.
but we failed badly

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bak bak
Re: Delhi is not the best choice
by bak bak on Sep 22, 2010 11:45 AM
there should be a moratorium for all the 8 metros!!!! enough of breastfeeding them....lesser known cities should be given a chance to organize such events....they would have not only arranged the lands at a cheaper price but would have been much more enthusiastic in organizing it....

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bak bak
Metro mania!!!!
by bak bak on Sep 22, 2010 11:43 AM

all the metros need to buried for sometime and some other lesser known cities should be given a chance to organize such events....this way atleast 2 goals can be achieved:

1. getting out of the stinky metro mindset!!!
2. developing other parts of india....

our metros dont figure anywhere in the global list of high quality places inspite of breastfeeding them constantly!!!

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Ram Ramakrishnan
CWG is becoming country,s shame
by Ram Ramakrishnan on Sep 22, 2010 11:43 AM  | Hide replies

India can give importance as usual only to cricket,shame on the government as well as the construction co, who is constructing the Foot over bridge, clear inefficiency CWG orgnisers wud have got a hefty money forawarding the contract,usual story in India, and all the news channels will start their campaign now as CWG 2010 games will be called off or not SMS ur answers to 34425, sms cost 6 rs. on the whole,Indian bigwigs can make money even in the blame game,India is definitely shining in Corruption and no country in the world can beat us in this for sure

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Nihit Jain
Re: CWG is becoming country,s shame
by Nihit Jain on Sep 22, 2010 11:46 AM

Agreed.. but do u think we shall call it as India or better call it as delhi.. or congress :)

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anand zawar
Re: Re: Re: CWG is becoming country,s shame
by anand zawar on Sep 22, 2010 11:56 AM
@subho das.......dont act smart, this culture is everywhere in india ....but anyways, this cwg is gonna hit india big time..

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Great Khali
Kalmadi and Co soiled the Toilets
by Great Khali on Sep 22, 2010 11:43 AM

An internal inquiry by the GoM has received a report that the main culprits behind the Soilgate saga in the CWG Village are the top officials of the CWG OC. A copy of this report, part of the ongoing inquiry into the filthy living conditions, has been submitted to the PMO as well.

The report mentions the sequence of events leading up to the dirty toilets. When the officials (Kalmadi, Darbari, Bhanot, and others) were on a routine inspection of the facilities, they decided to try out the cafeteria, the water supply, the food at the counters, the athletes' apartments. It was during this inspection that Kalmadi and group sampled the food and water. While they were on the way to the aprtments, they were beset with the Superbug and had to use the toilets. With no option in sight, they got into the nearest rooms and relieved themselves. To their utter horror, the flush didn't work, nor was toilet paper handy. While Kalmadi and co were in the toilets, lesses officials helped themselves by urinating in the corridors. To avoid the embarrassment of not being clean, neither group spoke and left the premises as if everything was perfect.

Only when Kalmadi escorted Mike Fennel to the same apartment that he has defecated in was the secret out that toilets and flushes didn't work.

Mr. Jaipal Reddy has seen the report and commented that with Kalmadi out of the way, such things wouldn't be repeated and that it was a reflection of the personal hygience of Kalmadi alone.

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Vivek Chandra
Re: Welcome to Collapsing Wealth Games
by Vivek Chandra on Sep 22, 2010 11:43 AM
What could possibly be funny here?

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Suresh Babu
Pull out of Commonwealth Games by Great Britan
by Suresh Babu on Sep 22, 2010 11:41 AM

It is shameful for the nation which is ruled by the Congress Party since 1947. MM singh headed Congress govt. is the most inefficient and totally failure in all grounds. Singh should step down from the PM Post immediately.

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