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Aus want Davis Cup tie moved from India

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Ramesh Kapoor
Isolate India in the name of terrorism!
by Ramesh Kapoor on Mar 26, 2009 07:38 PM

The UPA government has proclaimed that India is bereft with terror and no one person is safe, thus the IPL was being moved out of India, and now the Davis Cup. What percentage public watches Tennis vs Cricket is anyone's guess, but a seed of suspicion has been sown. India is unsafe for tourism also. My advice don't visit India.

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FirstName LastName
Kare koi aur bhare koi
by FirstName LastName on Mar 26, 2009 07:36 PM

Kare koi aur bhare koi - because of our bad neighbour we are facing this situation!

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Sats S
by Sats S on Mar 26, 2009 07:36 PM  | Hide replies

FFFF man !!
what does this stupid Australians think ?
How many are coming after all to play tennis?

we have to blame stupid congress govt for this situation..since they failed to provide security for IPL ..now whole world is making issues for security in India..now even pakistan players may say the same ..

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by sunil on Mar 26, 2009 07:39 PM
they now know indians are impo..ent.. cant do anything... sympathise with Pak... welcome Musharaff... unlike Indians they value their life... look how many are dying due to pakistan.. what are all we doing???

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FirstName LastName
by FirstName LastName on Mar 26, 2009 07:42 PM
Pakistan should be divided into three or four parts! One ruled by Taliban, one by Zardari, one by Musharaf and one by Justice Choudhary ... hopefully peace might prevail in the world then!

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FirstName LastName
That's the effect of having bad neighbour
by FirstName LastName on Mar 26, 2009 07:34 PM

That's the effect of having bad neighbour - I recall a proverb in Hindi "A gandi macchhali saare talaab ko gandaa kar deti hey". Sooner or later we had to face this, after 1947 partition a nuisance to the world has been created!

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Jai Ho UPA
by XYZ ABC on Mar 26, 2009 07:30 PM

Manamohana the strongest

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chintan jhunjhunwala
by chintan jhunjhunwala on Mar 26, 2009 07:30 PM

ipl shifted out ,davis cup under threat of being shifted out,english badminton players not coming next congis should be shifted out and send to rome italia.chidu should become home minister of the gandhi family .

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aaaa bbbb
by aaaa bbbb on Mar 26, 2009 07:29 PM

Our home minister is responsible for this sorry state of affairs, creating unnecessary fear psychosis without taking proper administartive action for providing security.

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