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swastik das
ManU gonna win ucl champs league
by swastik das on May 06, 2008 10:31 PM

MANU is the one and only winner of ucl champs league this year and no one can stop this not even chelsea

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for Calvin Hobbes
by mithun on May 03, 2008 01:24 PM

Dear Crybaby Calvin,
For your kind information, Liverpool also spent big big money to buy Torres, Babel, Voronin & Penant last year... so all your crap about Chelsea spending all the money is real crap okay....
And what culture of football are you talkin at Liverpool you loser...all they do is somehow come fourth in the league and qualify for Champions League...They have got no quality to even challenge for the EPL title, which requires consistently good performances. Infact if Torres was not there in Liverpools side this season, only God knows who would have scored goals for them....
And as far as your claims of cheating are concerned, I guess nobody has to look any further than Mascherano & Alonso - the biggest foul committers in the EPL...even Dirk Kuyt for that matter..
And finally no Liverpool supporter should blame luck atleast....because the whole world knows how they beat Arsenal in the quarter finals - PURE LUCK with both the penalty decisions in both the legs...Arsenal were by far the superior side even without their regular team members.
Come on man...everyones favourite team loses some day. You should not cry hoax over false beliefs and feel lucky that a substandard team like Liverpool could even make it to the semis...
If you still feel like cryin...God only help you!!!

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Calvin Hobbes
money game
by Calvin Hobbes on May 02, 2008 10:44 AM  | Hide replies

You can buy players from the millions you have, but the culture of the teams like Liverpool and ManU are only inherited.

Chelsea are like Noveau Riches, full of players who play just for money. No integrity. And the fellow called Drogba.. if only he could concentrate more on football than getting false fouls and penalties. I would say despite spending millions, they are an abominable set. They were lucky to get a penalty from a fould that was not there and lucky not to concede a panalty when that fool(Drogba) fouled on Hypia.

Money can't buy class. I hate Chelsea for the same reason.

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Pranta Pathik
RE:money game
by Pranta Pathik on May 02, 2008 11:51 AM
And my dear Calvin Hobbes your comments show you know nothing about football. Drogba, Kalou, Essien all of african footballer and they are playing for Chelsea from the time when no one knows them.

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Calvin Hobbes
RE:RE:money game
by Calvin Hobbes on May 02, 2008 12:02 PM
Kalou and Essien who??:)

Truth hurts.. eh PP:)

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santosh asbe
RE:money game
by santosh asbe on May 02, 2008 01:23 PM
ha ha..calvin n hobbes ur a poor loser..

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Calvin Hobbes
RE:money game
by Calvin Hobbes on May 02, 2008 03:15 PM

A protracted transfer, that dragged on almost as long as the 2005 close season, finally came to an end when Michael's former club Lyon accepted a then Chelsea record fee for their star midfielder.

This is how they CREATED a star.. he he

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Gopakumar N
RE:money game
by Gopakumar N on May 02, 2008 01:42 PM
Calvin Hobbes, Are you Benitez's brother ? Benitez also said the same about Drogba. And we saw Drogba running to Benitez that night. Do you think present Liverpool team playing classic good football. I feel none of the Engilsh team plays good passing game.

Everyone knows Liverpool's defence is bad except for Carragher. All others there don't know how to do tackles. So Penalties happen only with you. Learn it from Terry.

And all these African players when they came to Chelsea, they were not stars. But when they crowned premier league champions, they became stars. Your Liverpool has any chance to win a trophy this time playing your "GOOD" football.. Come on man!!! Don't cry Looserpoolers!!! Show winning

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Calvin Hobbes
RE:RE:money game
by Calvin Hobbes on May 02, 2008 02:48 PM
in spite of having a galaxy of saleable superstars, they needed a self goal from Liverpool to qualify and then referee helped and then money had the last laugh

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Calvin Hobbes
RE:money game
by Calvin Hobbes on May 02, 2008 02:46 PM
Only if the referee who had raised his hand to whistle a penalty against Chelsea had not stopped, You would have been eating your own words. God knows, money rules, game could be rigged.

Why don't we see any fouls against terry or against drogba. Mone rules. And mind you, none of these africans is a star except Drogba.

Liverpool rules. money for those who love money and pretend to show they know a thing about soccer

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RE:money game
by amit on May 02, 2008 11:43 AM
If Drogba is a cheater than what about ManU's Ronaldo, everyone saw what he did sometime back. You can't single out any individual as everyone plays for money and don't you work for the money, if not then donate your salary to someone needy as there are a lot in this world.

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Calvin Hobbes
RE:money game
by Calvin Hobbes on May 02, 2008 12:00 PM
He does it always. Cheating is his habit.
And playing for money in my statement meant that don't just buy established players, create a superstar, thats what character mean.

See what United did to Ronaldo,Giggs,Rooney. They are king makers. Not king buyers.

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Amir Khedekar
chelsea can win champ league
by Amir Khedekar on May 02, 2008 10:06 AM

I think chelsea at least can win champ league bt for epl tiltle its to late now. bcoz both teams have same points with 2 games remaining. bt man u have goal difference of 16 goals and that could be decider

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Arun Desiraju
by Arun Desiraju on May 01, 2008 09:11 PM  | Hide replies

Chelsea will win for sure in Moscow, by the way they have been playing football especially for the last one month. They have a very good chance of winning the epl too, only they had won against wigan(1-1), they would have been well in command by now.
go chelsea! go!

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Kodali Devi
by Kodali Devi on May 02, 2008 09:07 AM
you will be left with the same feeling after Man U are done with Chelsea. If only.... you hadn't played Man U

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Ronny vaz
Chelsea will win
by Ronny vaz on May 01, 2008 06:36 PM

Chelsea will beat ManU 2-1 to lift the Champions league trophy for the first time.Drogba & Ballack will score for Chelsea and Ronaldo will score for Man U.

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Rashmila Mazumdar
Kudos to Drogba!!
by Rashmila Mazumdar on May 01, 2008 01:27 PM


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rajan bhatt
Chelsea will beat man utd
by rajan bhatt on May 01, 2008 12:54 PM  | Hide replies

After Stamford Bridge, if anywhere else Chelsea wanted to play - it would surely be Moscow, home of owner Roman Abramovic. Going by form and grit, Chelsea should win against Man utd on 21st May.
I know there are more man u supporters in India than Chelsea supporters. That is primarily because it was around the turn of the millenium when EPL and Champions League broadcasting was begun by ESPN-Star in India. That was the time when Man Utd was playing absolutely dream football...they had a fantastic young squad then. So those for those who became regular football buffs, Man utd became the obvious favourites. And most of these ppl were young - teenagers(myself included) or early 20's. So ever since then ppl have stuck to man u as their fav team even though they play nowhere close to what they used to.
After that Arsenal & Chelsea have become much better sides and have had their ups in the EPL.

I have been a man utd fan too but I like Chelsea more now because of the football they play and because they do not depend heavily on individual brilliance. Infact Arsenal were byfar the best footballing side in the past 12months and if they had a bit of luck and less injuries they would have had a stellar season. Man Utd have become so defensive in the past few games tht it is boring to see them. Ronaldo does not even get the ball these days...If it wasnt for that brilliance for Scholes, man u were just about hanging on.... Lets hope Luck doesnt decide the winners and football does...

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RE:Chelsea will beat man utd
by Blogger on May 01, 2008 08:24 PM
yes manu's game is boring esp the two games against barca..
They are depending too much on long balls..

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prashant gawai
RE:Chelsea will beat man utd
by prashant gawai on May 02, 2008 01:24 PM
I Agreee ....Aresenal with there young squad plays one of the best football in Europe .
They deserved the trophy these year ...
Arsenal Rules ...Gunner Forever...

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Siddharth shovakar
RE:Chelsea will beat man utd
by Siddharth shovakar on May 01, 2008 04:14 PM
I agree with the Arsenal Part.....I am a gunner and would always be 1.....

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RE:Chelsea will beat man utd
by Hari on May 01, 2008 04:37 PM
I do think so. Chelsea may win the final. Probability is more for chelsea.

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Double for Chelsea
by jamba on May 01, 2008 12:44 PM

Go Chelsea, Go! The double is yours for the taking! Man U has shot its bolt and looks nervous when playing against you! Go for it!!!!

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