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Nadal closes on Federer's No.1 spot

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by Praveen on Mar 12, 2008 12:40 PM  | Hide replies

rediff has no clue abt fedex. this is not our ckt team to comment on fedex's downfall. fedex will retire as No.1. There is no doubt about that.

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karan malhotra
by karan malhotra on Mar 12, 2008 12:54 PM
a couple of losses and people start talking about a downfall.I think people should stop criticizing the great and find something better to do...federer is one of the greateast players alive today and will shatter all records.It is just a matter of time...the same critics started about the australian team downfall.T hey are a new team and they are adjusting with the likes of mc grath and warne who can take away the match from u.They are still consistent in their performance and it is again a matter of time before they start dominating world cricket again.One overseas one day series doesnt make India in the hunt as they have to be consistent and a couple of losses to murray and djokovic doesnt make them superior.All great players and team bounce back.Tiger woods is a clear example,he had a avg first half of 2007 the critics startes off with their nonsense but then in the end he showed the world why he is different from the rest of the pack of amazing players and won the final major of the year and continued his form in 2008 with 6 victories in a row starting from the bmw championships in the end of 2007...so critics back off

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madhumalati bhat
by madhumalati bhat on Mar 12, 2008 01:36 PM
In a way ,Critics help people to improve . If some body is not criticised, then he /she is not thinking /speaking /doing anything and not active at all.

Normally, 'People find what they look for!'.
Critics normally look for Negative points only and they always find some or the other negative issues with some body or the other.

But, most of the Critics are desperate in their Profession and Life ! Probably, they wish 'All others to be in the same pathetic condition what they are in !'.


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karan malhotra
by karan malhotra on Mar 13, 2008 01:08 AM
to much of negativity is not good and some time the critics take it too far...u gotto understand after all ur criticising a human being...nobody has any rightto comment on anyone....

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by test on Mar 12, 2008 12:26 PM

Indians just forget past acheivements so easily.
Just few games he lost and rediff started writing stupid articles..he is all time great and great players always bounce back

Every thing in world declines.

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vasanth m
FEDEX: The Legend
by vasanth m on Mar 12, 2008 12:16 PM  | Hide replies

He is confident without being arrogant, proud but not boastful. He is so good, there are no longer adjectives that work. The superlatives fall short. When he loses, and it has only been a handful of times in the last few years.

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kongati prasantjh
RE:FEDEX: The Legend
by kongati prasantjh on Mar 12, 2008 07:55 PM
are u talking about sampras?? coz i see sampras has all the qualities said above

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mohit paul
David Nalbandian
by mohit paul on Mar 12, 2008 12:08 PM  | Hide replies

Watch out for David Nalbandian. If he's injured free this year, he's gonna win most of the titles. He's the only one who's cracked the code for defeating Federer.

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Anand YNI
RE:David Nalbandian
by Anand YNI on Mar 12, 2008 01:59 PM
Dear Mohit,

You said, "If he is injured free...". Does it may one has to pay to get injured otherwise? Or, do you mean, "if he is injury-free"

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Asheesh Sinha
RE:David Nalbandian
by Asheesh Sinha on Mar 12, 2008 01:52 PM
lol.... I hope you are kidding when you say that Nalbandian will grab the #1 spot

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by RIYA SONAM on Mar 12, 2008 12:04 PM

Well only one defeat cant be enough to tell that ... federer career is on declined..... definately he will bounce back.....
cheers for federer

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