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India hockey coach Carvalho steps down

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Running away from responsibility.
by Rinku on Mar 10, 2008 04:01 PM  | Hide replies

Here most of the ppl seem to draw conclusion that it is KPS who is responsible for all the ills in Indian hockey! Now, What wrong KPS did with Indian Hockey? Was he playing when Britain defeated us? Being an administrator doesn't mean that he has destroyed hockey. What we are trying to do is --escaping from our responsibilities. Every family of this country is today mad for cricket because there is money. If they (parents) are encouraging their wards to play cricket then it is for money not for national pride. Now here, What KPS can do? Can he ask families to watch hockey so that corporate houses can pump in money in this game? Even if he does it, who will listen to him? Every person will say - first bring the money, we will send our wards! While here is a person (KPS Gill) who fetched meagre salary as police officer and finished terrorism from Punjab! Will any parent ask his ward to follow KPS? No, because they want money, so they will send their ward to MNC instead of low-paying job of police officers or army personnel! So dear, instead of criticizing KPS, ask every Indian around what they were doing when Indian hockey team was not winning Gold in olympics from last 40 years!!!

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Nirpinder Singh
RE:Running away from responsibility.
by Nirpinder Singh on Mar 12, 2008 10:28 PM
The main thing is that KPS Gill does not have the sports qualifications to serve as IHF Chief. He has continued the tradition of foreign travel for administrators at the expense of players and coaches. Did you know that in Chile the Indian Hockey Players were washing their own clothes while IHF functionaries enjoyed foreign hospitality?

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lava Sama
RE:Running away from responsibility.
by lava Sama on Mar 10, 2008 04:10 PM
KPS gill thinks he can run the hockey administration like that of Punjab police...Indian Hockey needs a person that can spot talent. KPS Gill does not know the difference between a Centre forward and goalie...he can keep talking tough, but he has no back up plans..Better for him to quit, the current team will deliver more without him being at the helm.

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Meer Ali
by Meer Ali on Mar 10, 2008 03:57 PM


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KPS GILL - The Murderer of Indian Hockey!!
by Suresh on Mar 10, 2008 03:38 PM  | Hide replies

Since he has been in charge, KPS Gill has systematically destroyed Indian Hockey in the interests of filling his own pockets.

If he has even a shred of decency he will stop destroying Indian Hockey by stepping down from his post.

As long as people like KPS Gill are around in power, Indian Hockey will sink even further......SHAME ON YOU KPS GILL!!!!!!

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RE:KPS GILL - The Murderer of Indian Hockey!!
by Rinku on Mar 10, 2008 03:55 PM
What wrong KPS did with Indian Hockey? Was he playing when Britain defeated us? Being an administrator doesn't mean that he has destroyed hockey. What we are trying to do is --escaping from our responsibilities. Every family of this country is today mad for cricket because there is money. If they (parents) are encouraging their wards to play cricket then it is for money not for national pride. Now here, What KPS can do? Can he ask families to watch hockey so that corporate housed can pump in money in this game? Even if he does it, who will listen to him? Every person will say - first bring the money, we will send our wards! While here is a person (KPS Gill) who fetched meagre salary as police officer and finished terrorism from Punjab! Will any parent ask his ward to follow KPS? No, because they want money, so they will send their ward to MNC instead of low-paying job of police officers or army personnel! So dear, instead of criticizing KPS, ask every Indian around what they were doing when Indian hockey team was not winning Gold in olympics from last 40 years!!!

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Meer Ali
RE:RE:KPS GILL - The Murderer of Indian Hockey!!
by Meer Ali on Mar 10, 2008 04:01 PM
why cricket team is linked to india.why are they call as team India. Powar is responsible for making hockey as lowkey game.

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Mohan Kumar
RE:KPS GILL - The Murderer of Indian Hockey!!
by Mohan Kumar on Mar 10, 2008 03:47 PM
Indian hockey wasnt any better before KPS Gill, so just showing the door to KPS Gill will not change the teams performance. The focus should be on creating more facilities for training. Identify and train fresh and present talent.

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Sam beledona
RE:RE:KPS GILL - The Murderer of Indian Hockey!!
by Sam beledona on Mar 10, 2008 03:48 PM
First remove him then think of anything else.

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anand shringi
RE:KPS GILL - The Murderer of Indian Hockey!!
by anand shringi on Mar 10, 2008 03:55 PM
Rediff or NDTV or any channel should take a online survey asking for Mr Gill to step down coz till the time he is the Prez of IHF, India will not make any Progress.

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Meer Ali
RE:KPS GILL - The Murderer of Indian Hockey!!
by Meer Ali on Mar 10, 2008 03:59 PM
i think no indian tv channel has gutts to ask gill to go.

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Common Man
RE:KPS GILL - The Murderer of Indian Hockey!!
by Common Man on Mar 10, 2008 03:49 PM

Agree, Suresh. That's what I feel is the root cause of the whole mess. If someone has absolute authority with zero responsibility, what transperancy and accountability can we expect?

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Rahul Kulkarni
Where is Money honey ?
by Rahul Kulkarni on Mar 10, 2008 03:37 PM

Stop playing hockey and idiot adminstrators , dissolve the sport!!

Till 1975 , Cricketers and hockey players were on the same pay roll (Till that we were rulers in hockey.).

We havent achieved what hockey players have brought till 1975!!!
Still who is ruling now ???? Thats why I urge all hockey players stop playing this sport and by doing this you will save the life of few hundred young players left in a billion people country who waste their time !!!!

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India hockey coach Carvalho steps down
by Roshan on Mar 10, 2008 03:34 PM


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suyash deshpande
hokey dismal show
by suyash deshpande on Mar 10, 2008 03:32 PM

whats KPS Gil' is to shoulder responsibility?

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Leslie Mascarenhas
by Leslie Mascarenhas on Mar 10, 2008 03:30 PM  | Hide replies

Its time for change.What KPS Gill is doing is not woking so its time for a New direction.His decision to leave out Quality players like Dhanraj Pillay when he still had it in him was pathethic.Besides the Bottom pinching eposide i do not know what other headlines KPS Gill made.
Its time a Former Hockey Player is made to take over the reigns.Coaches to should be given a free hand or just like Carvalho or for that matter Cedric Dsouza who was also a outstanding coach.The Powers that matter shuld realise that Hockey in India is dying slowly as less youngsters are attracted to it.Besides the Facilities shuld be modernised all over like Astro Turf,better Equipments ,Better staying facilities for players etc.Its only a matter of time before Hockey the National Sport of India is given a Burial & that to a quiet one.

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alan Collaco
by alan Collaco on Mar 10, 2008 03:51 PM
1.This is indeed a sad day for Indian Hockey.
2. Eveyone will resign except the person who really needs to resign, viz. KPS Gill.
3. If he or his henchman does not resign, the Govt. should take over and appoint a Committee of former Olympians and Coaches to chalk ot an action plan.
4. Give them 3 years to deliver results.

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Amakant Chaudhary
KPS Gill should resign
by Amakant Chaudhary on Mar 10, 2008 03:30 PM

When are all the officials of Indian hockey going to resign. Indian hockey has gone from worse to dead under Gill. Shame!

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Rahul Kulkarni
Hockey , national sport?????
by Rahul Kulkarni on Mar 10, 2008 03:27 PM  | Hide replies

Apart from Cricket , i think we should make Chess as our national sport !!!!!!

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Common Man
RE:Hockey , national sport?????
by Common Man on Mar 10, 2008 03:48 PM
Hey, how about Kho-Kho, Gilli Danda, Marbles, Spinning Tops, Jhoola-Jhooling, I-Spy... there are atleast tons of games in India - in which we are good at. We all play them during childhood you see... We don't need much practice and straight away jump into them.

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Meer Ali
RE:Hockey , national sport?????
by Meer Ali on Mar 10, 2008 04:05 PM
Gill will play gilli and danda.

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Meer Ali
RE:Hockey , national sport?????
by Meer Ali on Mar 10, 2008 04:08 PM
why cricket is not our national game.it is a game of money. why should we change natioanl game coz we are losing.no donot mind and have big heart and make hockey more stronger then ever.

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thakur singh
Hockey and its recent loss
by thakur singh on Mar 10, 2008 03:24 PM

The present state of our Indian Hockey is because of corruption ,inefficiency and inept handling, indifference, wrong selection of players. The blame has to go for the Hockey Federation of India and its officials.First and foremost K.P.S.Gill has to be removed,(he should not be allowed anywhere near the Federation premises or the Hockey ground) then the present coach and his team should go. Bring a sincere, honest and indeligent new young, to Head the federation.
Bring an efficient new coach and his team. Select players depending upon their talent and purely performance. No bhaibandi or bhaibhateeja wad. Give them sufficient time and then see.
Hockey will regain its past glory.

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