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It is a disaster, says Federer

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Navin Swamy
Match give-away
by Navin Swamy on Jul 07, 2008 03:34 PM  | Hide replies

Maybe its Federer time to throw the match.!!!???....

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Rajesh Shetty
RE:Match give-away
by Rajesh Shetty on Jul 07, 2008 04:16 PM
You r really stupid...Dont insult the 2 greats of the game, tennis was the winner yesterday. All good things come to an end, so yesterday it was Nadal who came good. But thats not the end of the road for Federrer. He didnt win 5 Wimbledons just like that. A day will also come when Nadal has to lose in French Open, if he keeps playing for few more years, and cynics like you will say Nadal threw the match..... just dont join the discussion if u cant appreciate a great match..

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Different ball game
by Rationalist on Jul 07, 2008 02:54 PM  | Hide replies

Compared to tennis few years ago, the tennis now played at wimbeldon has become more rally based due to change in kind of balls which are more bouncy and light. Number of aces are reduced because of it and started to resemble clay court games.No more we are able to see the kind of exciting & fast typical grass court games of the past. Had it been still typical grass court game of those days Federer would certainly have edge over Nadal.

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Narendra Kulkarni
RE:Different ball game
by Narendra Kulkarni on Jul 07, 2008 05:29 PM
TO see any kind of exciting and fast typical grass court games, you need true serve and volley players like, Boom Boom Becker, Cool Edberg, pistol Pete Sampras. Federer is not a true serve and volley player but more in the mould of Borg. So Borg was able to correctly hint that time was up for federer. I still dont know how would federer have fared if he had faced Becker, Edberg or Sampras at their peak.

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RE:Different ball game
by Rationalist on Jul 07, 2008 06:02 PM
Samprass, Agassi & to some extent Federrer play risk free controlled game.They played only to win managing just do that.But not so great enertainers like Becker,Ivanisevic, Edberg though records don’t speak much for Ivanisevich the entertainment vaule he provided was of high quality.

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Sriram Govindarajan
RE:Different ball game
by Sriram Govindarajan on Jul 07, 2008 03:21 PM
no use crying over spilt milk...conditions are the same for both individuals...

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vimalesh singh
RE:Different ball game
by vimalesh singh on Jul 07, 2008 03:35 PM
one can't share and feel what Federer is going through right now...can we imagine his pain?? I guess no one.
I think Federer can blame fading light for his defeat but he also got the help of God as rain came many time for his rescue and broke the rithem of rampaging Rafa in third set (He would have taken a retirement if he lose in three straight sets). He should say thanks to God who came to rescue his Pride in third set instead of blaming bad light, by talking like this he will only lose respect and gain nothing!
He is a great ambasidor of the game and already in the league of all time greats!!

Federer should admit that Rafa hold his nerve better then him and came out as a new Champ!!

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sreenu jennepalli
RE:Different ball game
by sreenu jennepalli on Jul 07, 2008 04:14 PM
He only admitted that light was a problem, but not a excusable thing. Then what the hell u r talking about, he knew that he is GREAT and can come back at any time. why he should take retirement, still #1.

The most irritating thing on the court is taking long time for service, umpire has given a caution to Nadal also. He plays a lot of mind game, that is not at all sports man spirit. If u know any thing u shouldn't have talked about the GREAT FEDEX.

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RE:Different ball game
by DAWA JACOB on Jul 07, 2008 05:08 PM
stop cricing..fedrer lost n has been loosing for the past 1 year...great champions dnt cry after lossing about conditions...

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peg  pic
RE:Different ball game
by peg pic on Jul 07, 2008 03:35 PM
mate your observation was spot on... Infact this is what I have been pointing out.. they have literally taken booming servers and serve and volley out of the game...

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Phaneendra Vinnakota
Federer has many more years to go
by Phaneendra Vinnakota on Jul 07, 2008 02:45 PM  | Hide replies

What a wonderful encounter between two of the greatest players of Tennis. It was pure magic watching the match till late in the night. Nadal indeed played very well and deserved the championship, but his play lacks the beauty and elegance of Federer's. Some of the shots played by Federer and the way he retrieved the match in 3rd and 4th sets..it is a mind-boggling achievement to force it into 5 sets. In my mind, Federer is still the champion. He will continue to be, for a long time to come.

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sreenu jennepalli
RE:Federer has many more years to go
by sreenu jennepalli on Jul 07, 2008 04:17 PM
Great yaar!!!!
Yes exactly u r right. people talks about lot of things, but he knows what he doing.

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Anoop Mitra
Rafa Rules
by Anoop Mitra on Jul 07, 2008 02:38 PM

Great to see Rafa win. I was praying that he do it as I am a big fan of Rafa. Finally I am happy to see a different champion, it was not entertaining to watch Federer win every time. I hope now Rafa wins US as well !! Go Rafa !! We back you

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vimalesh singh
Its not the End Champ!!
by vimalesh singh on Jul 07, 2008 02:23 PM  | Hide replies

one can't share and feel what Federer is going through right now...can we imagine his pain?? I guess no one.
I think Federer can blame fading light for his defeat but he also got the help of God as rain came many time for his rescue and broke the rithem of rampaging Rafa in third set (He would have taken a retirement if he lose in three straight sets). He should say thanks to God who came to rescue his Pride in third set instead of blaming bad light, by talking like this he will only lose respect and gain nothing!
He is a great ambasidor of the game and already in the league of all time greats!!

Federer should admit that Rafa hold his nerve better then him and came out as a new Champ!!

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dilip vig
RE:Its not the End Champ!!
by dilip vig on Jul 07, 2008 02:38 PM
agree with your comments

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ankur saxena
One of the gr8est match ever!!!!
by ankur saxena on Jul 07, 2008 02:12 PM  | Hide replies

Wow, wat a final!!! Truly, Wimbledone deserved such kind of Final between the two greatest players of this era ( after Sampras and Agassi).Federer lost due to his unforced errors.Rafa was brilliant and it seemed like his destiny to win the Wimbledon.Thanks to both the champions to produce an epic...

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vimalesh singh
RE:One of the gr8est match ever!!!!
by vimalesh singh on Jul 07, 2008 02:47 PM
I was not born in 1981 so I can not remember the match between Borg and Macenrow but yes this is the finest and nerve racking match I have seen ever...In the final set I was jumping on my driving Sofa and hearing my scream my Dad came and scold me and I said don't blame me blame this fantastic match!!

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peg  pic
RE:One of the gr8est match ever!!!!
by peg pic on Jul 07, 2008 03:36 PM
you mean 91 or 2001? Jumping on the sofa et all

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sandeep mohan
by sandeep mohan on Jul 07, 2008 01:57 PM

What a match that was...ultimately the difference between the 2 of them turned out to be mental toughness. Federer probably had a bit that much more pressure as the favourite, and Nadal, of course, the underdog having lost last 2 years in a row...

Great fun to see 2 champs play it till the very end...

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Conversion of Break Points Made the Difference
by Singha on Jul 07, 2008 01:15 PM

Federer has to fix the conversion bug. I think he will do that before US Open.

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dinker r radhakrishnan
waste of time
by dinker r radhakrishnan on Jul 07, 2008 01:02 PM  | Hide replies

while such a classic in a truly global game was being played millions of Indians wasted their time watching their countrymen playing a game called cricket(isnt that an insect0 and lose hoplessly by one of the biggest margins possible and lost their sleep aswell.........WILL INDIANS FINALLY WAKE UP AND TRY TO BE WORLDCLASS IN ALL ASPECTS???????

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RE:waste of time
by Hari on Jul 07, 2008 01:16 PM
Be proud of what individual Indians can achieve and dont be pissed off by the miserable performance of a good bunch of players, who lost to one heroic performance by a young spinner. Recently Gangan Narang broke the world record in shooting (i dont know which category) but it suffice to say that the his score was so perfect (he lost just one point) that it would take years to top his effort. Be proud of that. I also dont watch cricket (was watching F1 and after that Wimbledon) but that doesnt mean we can blast our overpaid underachiever cricketers for any miserable performance and lament about the state of Indian sports. Thats not fair...

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Radhakrishna Shriyan
Nadal V/s Fed (Awesome)
by Radhakrishna Shriyan on Jul 07, 2008 12:55 PM

i am gr8 fan of Nadal. Both of them played some electrifying stuff in the match. Match was epic and will remain epic in history of Tennis forever. Both of them are true champion. Hats off

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