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Venus outshines Sania in Melbourne

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mohammad sk
well done
by mohammad sk on Jan 22, 2008 02:07 PM

good job keep it up

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Jomesh George
Sania done well
by Jomesh George on Jan 20, 2008 03:24 PM

Venus is the meaning of power in women's tennis.Giving a stiff competition to her Sania proved she is among the best players in the world.There is no doubt of her talents,but fitness and Stamina r the hindrances for her to compete with the top ranked players.

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by chamdi on Jan 20, 2008 09:51 AM  | Hide replies

She's only mine!

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by E.E on Jan 20, 2008 03:17 PM

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Well done Sania!!
by a on Jan 20, 2008 08:52 AM  | Hide replies

It is a great tribute to her talent that Sania is where se is today. It was a good match and she can only improve from here. A few points that the commentators made were noteworthy:
1. That she needs a proper coach now, a full time one at that. Her dad who has been coaching her has done a great job and taken her to 32 in women's ranking. But a cricketer is not a professional coach. So Sania get a proper coach now.
2. All her serves were on Venus's forehand. Not one or at least hardly any on her back hand. Get your serves to he opponent's back hand as well, girl!!
3. She has got great power in her shots. But sometimes they need a bit of control. At times its better to have 70-80% power and more court play. That was clearly seen a number of times. So the tennis brain has to be dveloped as well.

Get these in order and she has the capability to break into the top 15 in the next 2 years easily.

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RE:Well done Sania!!
by Naushad on Jan 20, 2008 01:46 PM
Sania played well, given good fight with Venus but need to improve more.

Jai hind.......

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swadhin pradhan
Not Apt Title
by swadhin pradhan on Jan 20, 2008 08:25 AM

I guess the title 'Venus outshines Sania in Melbourne' is not apt. a score of 7-6,6-4 is not outshine thing. KIndly change and be a little more logical.

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Papa Ji
Well done anyway.
by Papa Ji on Jan 20, 2008 06:35 AM

Inspite of all the controversies, injuries and ridiculous allegations (mostly made by members of her own community seeking their few seconds of fame by targeting celebrities), she has managed to reach the third round here, which should be appreciated.

If she starts focusing on her singles alone, maybe it may help her in the long run, though she may have her own reason to play doubles regularly.

Anyway, well played Sania.

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by Ajay on Jan 20, 2008 06:34 AM  | Hide replies

Agreed that it is really great for Sania from India to make it to the spot in World Tennis where she is now. But it is high time Sania wins a grand slam event or at least come in Quarter Finals/Semi Finals/Finals of grand slams more often. If you are not going up then you are going down. I like millions of Indians want to see Sania to go up.
Things she can improve:
1.Improve SERVICE - Service has been a problem right from the beginning, which is visible more against top 10 players.
2.Use more brain than force. Mature thinking is a big plus for tennis. Great examples are Federer and Venus, they depend more on their brain than just sheer force.
3.Winner attitude - It is high time she starts thinking that however tough the player is, she could win. Do not be self complacent.
4.Mental toughness - both of them are probably extensions of 2 and 3. Losing couple of points should not put you in backspot.

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Kumar kumar
by Kumar kumar on Jan 20, 2008 10:13 AM
Duniya mey bolne wale zyaada aur karne waale kam hey...this person is example of that..
'An apple is an apple, an orange is an orange' theory doesnt work buddy.

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Satish Vakati
by Satish Vakati on Jan 20, 2008 07:33 AM
Thanaka Anna, You are a Tennis Guru, now i know who is behind Federer and Venus's success

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Sheetal Kaur
Sania in Melbourne
by Sheetal Kaur on Jan 20, 2008 05:00 AM  | Hide replies

You have done well girl, don't worry soon you will outshine Venus.
Keep your chin up.
And well done for me you are still an ACE.

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RE:Sania in Melbourne
by E.E on Jan 20, 2008 08:54 AM

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