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I Mumbaikar
Stop talking to Imran Khan!!
by I Mumbaikar on Dec 24, 2008 08:46 PM  | Hide replies

Why are media outlets giving that quack a chance to talk? He will do anything to get votes in his local areas .. even it means selling out his friends in India. And this despite the fact that India has given him so much over the years.

Imran Khan is a rat. He would sell his family for cash, and sell out his friends in India for local votes. Why is he still allowed to our "Page 3" parties? I really despise this terror-supporting playboy womanizer money-grubber.

Ban Imran Khan.

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Sabyasachi Sarkar
Re: Stop talking to Imran Khan!!
by Sabyasachi Sarkar on Dec 24, 2008 08:54 PM
I read in Newspapers that that Jemima is having a whale of a time now with all a sundry.Was like everything else of that shit nation Imran was a hype with no substance.Now I know why he always appeared to be on a short fuse.

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Re: Stop talking to Imran Khan!!
by Kabeer on Dec 24, 2008 09:13 PM
Why banning Imran, when the likes of Burkha Dutt, Prannoy Roy and Rajdeep Sardesais have no self respect.

Give two slaps to each across their faces for inviting these charlatans on TV.

Indians are shameless!

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Poverty line
by AMEER JAWAN on Dec 24, 2008 08:39 PM  | Hide replies

In Pakistan Sports persons are almost living near poverty line...see Akram, Imran....they accpted even adv. now they see money ...no statement from Inzy....?

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Cotton Bud
Re: Poverty line
by Cotton Bud on Dec 24, 2008 08:49 PM
inzy must be in muridke !...

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I Mumbaikar
Re: Poverty line
by I Mumbaikar on Dec 24, 2008 08:45 PM
Imran would sell his soul for some cash. So let's not talk about that beggar and turn coat!

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madanmohan siddhanthi
by madanmohan siddhanthi on Dec 24, 2008 08:34 PM  | Hide replies


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Shivaji Ghosh
by Shivaji Ghosh on Dec 24, 2008 08:55 PM
yes, we wish the Pak administration also asks its petty thieves-turned-terrorists to pull out from their dubious activities in Indian soil.

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Eisen Picardo
Chickens Soup for the Womens Soul
by Eisen Picardo on Dec 24, 2008 08:32 PM

Hey Rediff pakistan,
Have the guts pass this message. While I have worked with may PAKIS in my 15 years career.. let me tell this one thing.. PAKI ARMY and its sports hulla-bo whatever are just chicken shit.Numbnuts!!!. Dont ever bother to come into our land.Its sacred.Whatver our problems we will fight it ourselves. You stinky cowards..hide behind your womens clothes..
We would be more then happy not to host u...The area around TAJ has a lot of stink and we dont want anymore when u guys come down...

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Abhijit Desai
by Abhijit Desai on Dec 24, 2008 08:32 PM

Pakistan will not take action on any of the terrorist organization operating in its territory. ITS THEIR SOURCE OF INCOME. So simple if they handover the terrorists to others who will ask them, who fill their begging bowl, why would US fill their pockets. On top of that how will they handle the internal aggression from terrorists organization.

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Abhijit Desai
by Abhijit Desai on Dec 24, 2008 08:32 PM

Pakistan will not take action on any of the terrorist organization operating in its territory. ITS THEIR SOURCE OF INCOME. So simple if they handover the terrorists to others who will ask them, who fill their begging bowl, why would US fill their pockets. On top of that how will they handle the internal aggression from terrorists organization.

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Piyush  Bhargava
Let the shit remain in Pakistan.
by Piyush Bhargava on Dec 24, 2008 08:07 PM

Let the shit remain in Pakistan.

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