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Nadal takes over as No 1

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A Singh
by A Singh on Aug 19, 2008 10:22 AM  | Hide replies

Currently, Federer is going through an Antardasha of Mercury/ Mercury. Mercury is the lord of his eighth house, and is residing in an enemies house in Saggitarius. This Dasha is going to last until April 2010. There is absolutely no chance of his bou ncing back in this period. After April 2010, he is going to be too old anyway.
Federer' fans should reconcile to the fact that the days of his dominance are over, once and for all.

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kalyan vetsa
by kalyan vetsa on Aug 19, 2008 02:27 PM
Are you an astrologer or a well wisher of Nadal?

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A Singh
by A Singh on Aug 25, 2008 12:22 PM
I am a well wisher of Federer, who has just been scratching his head about why he has suddenly started losing to those players he simply used to brush aside. Astrology seems to provide an answer.

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A Singh
Can Federer bounce back?
by A Singh on Aug 19, 2008 10:10 AM

Federer can surely come back
by A Singh on Aug 09, 2008 10:05 AM Permalink | Hide replies

Nobody, except a few, who hate anybody who achieved some success, doubts the capacity of Federer to bounce back, and reclaim the world no. 1 title, which he held for a record period of 235 weeks. But it is a hell of a job, and it is going to take awful lot of hard work on his part. This season has been a very demanding one, and put a lot of emphasis on the ability of the players to keep full fitness for a prolonged period. Federer started the season badly with a mysterious fever, and because of the gruelling demands of the calender, never regained his peak fitness. Presently, he looks famished, and it is too much to expect him to win the Olympic Gold or the US Open in this condition. But after a couple of months' rest, he can revamp himself at the Australian Open next year.
One more thing. So far, he has been relying on his talent for the results. Now, with an ageing body, he will also require some strategy, particularly when playing against players like Nadal. He requires a good support team.

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A Singh
Hail King Nadal
by A Singh on Aug 19, 2008 09:44 AM

No matter how much one likes Roger Federer, one has to admire the single minded dedication and hard work; and above all, the self-belief of the new king of Tennis: Rafael Nadal. He fully deserves his no.1 ranking.
Just because he has snatched the no. 1 ranking from Federer with dramatic suddenness, we could hardly have imagined this happening at the begining of the year, this does not make Federer a lesser player. What has happened is, a natural phenomenon. Like Federer had snatched the title from Sampras, he has surrendered it to a younger and fitter player.
Like Federer threatened to completely eclipse the achievements of Sampras, Nadal threatens to do the same with Federer. Federer did not succeed. Only time will tell whether Nadal is going to succeed. But for the time being, Hail King Nadal.

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gourav jain
Akhil lost 10-3
by gourav jain on Aug 18, 2008 05:24 PM

No increase in the medal count... Big hope from Akhil came to an end.

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siddu raju
fedEx can't write off
by siddu raju on Aug 18, 2008 04:59 PM

congrats to rafa... he has been so consistance in his tennis but he need lot to prove here after... no hard feeling for rafaa... but a siglle title from anywhere is enough for roger to recharge he may be watching from side but its too early to write him off..... dont forget he just lost one of the most enthrilling grass court battle on wimbeldon just by two game(might have lifted the trophy if he wouldhave got those two points). loosin in such type of matces hurts anyone its take some time to believe....it will come sooner than later if it happen it will be the real fest of winners from fedex once again........ come on roger ..........any takers

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C Kr
Rediff never mentions who writes the Sania 'ace' articles
by C Kr on Aug 18, 2008 04:56 PM

Why's that? Security?

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kamal harish
forgotten heroes
by kamal harish on Aug 18, 2008 01:39 PM  | Hide replies

among all this olympic and cricket hullaboo, we have conveniently forgetten two men who have brought glory to our nation. Jeev Milkha Singh who finished in the top ten of USPGA (equivalent of a tennis grand slam) and Somdev...since becoming professional, Somdev has climbed more than 600 places in a matter or 2 months...he is a genuine hope for Indian Tennis unlike the other flashes in the pan....try searching for one news item about Somdev in youtube...he is a big hero in US Collegiate tennis....

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Ashok Kumar
RE:forgotten heroes
by Ashok Kumar on Aug 18, 2008 04:28 PM
Yep.... Somdev is doing great with in some two to three months. I wish him to continue this fine form and make people in India to watch Tennis. Upon Cricket I see tennis is growing as the next famous sports. Thanks to this people.
1. Paes
2. Bhupathi
3. Mirza
4. Amirtaraj
5. Bhopana
6. Somdev

This is from my knowledge. Please add if you see some emerging Tennis players in India.

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narmada thampan
Felicitaciones Rafito!!!!
by narmada thampan on Aug 18, 2008 01:32 PM

Wow, is all I have to say. I've run out of superlatives....Congratulations to an amazing tennis player, a great and humble champion !!!Many people say : "It's unbelievable, etc.". I understand ... but for me it's "believable" because that is where hard work, determination and commmitment lead Rafa ... to a gold medal at the Olympics and the number 1 ranking........

vamos rafa!!!!

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Dharmesh Mishra
Nadal........the great
by Dharmesh Mishra on Aug 18, 2008 12:57 PM

Rafael Nadal the Prince of world tennis has now taken over the reins and has become the king. Roger Federer still one of the greatest tennis has ever seen. But now it would take a dyeing approach for Federer to regain the top spot. The chances for him are even less because the age factor is not supporting him. So we can now say that the Great Roger era has come to an end the worls tennis has got their new flag bearer. All the best to Nadal and hats off to Roger.

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excellent consistency
by EJAZ KHAN on Aug 18, 2008 12:14 PM

Rafael nadal had done great job with unbeleivable consistency. He is real king of tennis rightnow.

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