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Day 10 wrap: India have a disappointing

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good say
by PowerOfTruth on Aug 19, 2008 12:56 AM

all the best next time...but it does not sound so good if one just says "it is not my day", we need to have a strategy and we should change the strategy if first one does not work... also.. need to have more boxers instead of giving hype to only one person...

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Shailesh Sompal Singh
Its strange
by Shailesh Sompal Singh on Aug 19, 2008 12:54 AM  | Hide replies

The Indians who are participating doesn't perform the right day and always blame saying "today is not my day"...for God's sake when your day will come? We are fed up with this statement....give us all break

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Atul Prabhu
RE:Its strange
by Atul Prabhu on Aug 19, 2008 01:08 AM
i guess u r also an indian ... and u could have mastered some sport ...why blame the athletes , its the system that does not churn out sportsmen

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RE:Its strange
by debarshi on Aug 19, 2008 01:14 AM
dont always blame system...if one cant perform atleast should not give excuses for failures...these athletes should never be sent when they cannot even match ther own personal bests...IOC knew the fact but still they have spend tax payers money on this triple jumper...can u tell me why u like to pay for this jumper who jumps less than 2 m (read it 2 meter , not cm ) than her own personal best???....

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albert mendonca
RE:Its strange
by albert mendonca on Aug 19, 2008 02:09 AM
What a loser!!! I just commented on one such loser on top.

Are you saying we should never be present at the olympics for 100 years if we dont have the phelps for that long???

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