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Day 10 wrap: India have a disappointing

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Brijesh Khergamker
by Brijesh Khergamker on Aug 19, 2008 05:14 AM

Just party hard, eat chinese food, make out with chinese women and come back. You're doing far better than the cricket team in Sri Lanka. congratulations. Journos, stop printing articles that say "disappointing". Reaching the quarters was an achievement in itself. No disappointment there

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by down_under on Aug 19, 2008 04:20 AM

I think Abhinav Bhindra is unnecessarily causing trouble. We generally come back empty handed from Olympics. By winning one gold medal, we subjecting ourselves to lot of needless hope and tension.

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no point discussing
by Guest on Aug 19, 2008 02:36 AM  | Hide replies

In India, acedemic excellence takes priority over sports. there is no incentives for people in sports other than cricket. how are they going to make a living by running marathons or swimming in a 100m relay? the rare ones that venture into those sports , dont get the neccessary training to compete at the highset level.
bottom line: the system is screwed up.

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v sreeram
by v sreeram on Aug 19, 2008 02:05 AM

where did you get this count?


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How long we excuse?
by Ramu on Aug 19, 2008 01:57 AM  | Hide replies

Beijing Olympcs 2008

1 person 8 gold medals
1,147,995,898 people 1 gold medal.

1 person = Michael Phelps
1,147,995,898 people = India

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Max R
RE:How long we excuse?
by Max R on Aug 19, 2008 02:09 AM
Can I put your name for 2012 Olympics? I hope you can beat Phelps' record by winning 9 gold medals. You have 4 years to train and you can pick the event of your choice? What say?

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RE:RE:How long we excuse?
by Ramu on Aug 19, 2008 04:04 AM
Sure. you also join me. Lets see who'll get the medal

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RE:How long we excuse?
by Keerikkadan on Aug 19, 2008 03:21 AM
thats a bad way of comparing Mr Ramu. In order to produce a Phelps, USA had to train several swimmers. The school and university system produced lesser mortals finally producing a PHELPS.

PHELPS is the result of all those failures as well.

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RE:RE:How long we excuse?
by Ramu on Aug 19, 2008 04:13 AM
You are the only person responded with decency. Ok, I know the reasons, but we can not excuse like this forever. There are several countries (for example from Africa) who got many medals and much poorer than in India.

If training and money are the only problem for us in the Olympics, why does our BCCI cricket does not do well compared to AUS, SA and old WI teams inspite of huge money, crazy fans, Ads, fame etc??

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Grand maratha
RE:How long we excuse?
by Grand maratha on Aug 19, 2008 11:27 AM
Ramu ..atleast manage to knockout your spouse otherwise somebody else will do the needful.

Concentrate on your goals instead of talking foul aboutour nation

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RE:How long we excuse?
by Chiru on Aug 19, 2008 02:10 AM
Ramu can to win a medal in your local district competition in any field? I guess not.

A sports man never makes such a comment like you.

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RE:How long we excuse?
by Ramu on Aug 19, 2008 04:03 AM
what did you win so far?

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albert mendonca
RE:How long we excuse?
by albert mendonca on Aug 19, 2008 02:04 AM
Go find a better job for yourself.

Can you not see how hard those people tried?? Have you ever been in a ring?? Ever competed in a championship?? Atleast say some good words for them

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RE:RE:How long we excuse?
by Ramu on Aug 19, 2008 04:18 AM
Do you have a better job in the first place?

I am not questioning the indian players hard work. I was just mentioning the bitter truth. Whether you like it or not, its the fact that we are very poor in Olympics and I believe i dont have to be sportsmen to comment here.

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albert mendonca
RE:How long we excuse?
by albert mendonca on Aug 19, 2008 05:37 AM
You dont have to be a sportsman, but you can atleast show some common sense. The difference between you and the rest of the guys here on the forum is that you can see the glass half empty, where as the others can see it half full. Check the records back and you will realize whether we are making any progress or not. Its not as much about winning medals as it is about participating and trying to win, and from your talks it seems as if you did not even sniff a sport ever in your life, and thats why you cannot feel that achievement.

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anil roy
by anil roy on Aug 19, 2008 01:35 AM

dear readers ,
until further notice all the remainig days of olympics has been declared as BIG DISSAPPOINTMENT DAY......I hope the indian hocky officials not had any dissapointment yet.enjoying chineese hospitalty...no pressure no worries

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why bother even sending them there
by Guest on Aug 19, 2008 01:20 AM

i hope we can take away some of the time, money, energy and resources given to Politics, Bollywood/TV and Cricket and spent them on a good program for these sports.. only then we stand a chance to compete at Olympics level.

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kaushik saha
Performance of the athletes
by kaushik saha on Aug 19, 2008 01:15 AM

Each and every Indian athlete - be it in discus throw, heptathlon, triple jump etc have performed way below their best - and strangely , all their individual best have been set in national meets

doesnt it say something about anti-doping measures and their failure/ignorance in India?

I mean you can blame me of cooking up conspiracy theories, but this was brought up in a number of TV channels as to the true nature of these individual records

To those who wants to ask me why I didnt take up any sport - I have played competitive sport at Inter-college level, but just that I chose academics and excelled at it

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Tathagatha Alerjee
every day
by Tathagatha Alerjee on Aug 19, 2008 12:58 AM  | Hide replies

every day is disappointing for India and Indians

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albert mendonca
RE:every day
by albert mendonca on Aug 19, 2008 02:05 AM

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