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''It was an empty feeling on the podium''

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you rock !!!!
by Ishant on Aug 15, 2008 12:06 AM

man, you rock !!!!

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shomik majumdar
Congrats Abhinav!!
by shomik majumdar on Aug 14, 2008 11:41 PM

Sincere thanks for the Golden moments etched in the history of Indian Olympics forever as the 1st individual gold for India.
Fantastic effort. And I was one of the lucky few to have seen it happening live. For a short while it felt too good to be true before I started shouting the amazing news out to my family around me.
The only discordant note is that it once again brings to limelight the otherwise sad and neglected state of Indian sports. When will we be able to step away from the involvement of corrupt politicians, officials and administrators who are out only to make their bucks and perhaps get a free foreign trip for themselves and their family out of it. Olympics is the greatest worldwide event where we as Indians should make an effort to leave an indelible mark. Hope the Olympic games where we can do that and compete with countries like USA and China for the gold medals comes sooner rather than later.
Jai Hind.

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ramesh balakrishnan
Made us proud
by ramesh balakrishnan on Aug 14, 2008 11:14 PM

Great job done by Abhinav, really hats off to him. We all salute you.

And see no one is even praising him. Just one comment by a single person so far. Cmmon guys..if its politics or some state issues or Cricket messages would have been flowing in and also with al of arguments.....
Not fair guys.......

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your Doctor
by your Doctor on Aug 14, 2008 10:37 PM  | Hide replies

Hats off to Abhinav, he behaved coolly, not talking some nonsense like i did it, its my hardwork, etc.etc.

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DV Nayak
by DV Nayak on Aug 14, 2008 11:36 PM
Exactly. The guy looked as if it was regular work for him. Funny how he could manage that after winning after two previous Olympics trips without a medal.

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