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Coach Houghton hails football team''s win

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Ram Sharma
Good achievement. Let govt promote non cricket games - give award
by Ram Sharma on Aug 14, 2008 10:26 AM  | Hide replies

It is a good achievement for the football team, as earlier we were very lowly placed even in Asia. Let govt promote non cricket games. They should award some award for this team. Had a cricket team won some such tournament, cricketers would hv got lot of rewards, in addition to ardvertisement orders.

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Ram Sharma
RE:Good achievement. Let govt promote non cricket games - give award
by Ram Sharma on Aug 14, 2008 10:28 AM
If this was a cricket win, there would hv been a few hundred messages by now. What a shame for the countrymen. That is the reason we do not get medals in Olympics. Cricket is a time consuming, non-competitive (as only a few former British countries play it) and drain on our resources (as we finance the world cricket).

Let us all support other games also.

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Dattu Charan
india win
by Dattu Charan on Aug 14, 2008 10:19 AM

keep it u guys we need more encouragement from govt and people of india

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narayanan v
Where is Inidan Football heading..???
by narayanan v on Aug 14, 2008 10:18 AM  | Hide replies

It is really strange that there is no recognition for Indian Football at all..adding more to its dismay is the recent victory in Olympics that has really overshadowed such a big victory for Indian Football...

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Ram Sharma
RE:Where is Inidan Football heading..???
by Ram Sharma on Aug 14, 2008 10:30 AM
U r right. If this was a cricket win, there would hv been a few hundred messages by now. What a shame for the countrymen. That is the reason we do not get medals in Olympics. Cricket is a time consuming, non-competitive (as only a few former British countries play it) and drain on our resources (as we finance the world cricket).

Let us all support other games also.

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sandeep kumar
RE:Where is Inidan Football heading..???
by sandeep kumar on Aug 14, 2008 10:27 AM
Why are you interested in this tajikistan, krygstan man?? EPL starts this saturday..Cant wait to see ManU(the REDS) winning. Hwo the new signings like DEco(chelsea),Arashavin,modric(spurs)gonna perform? Will Gerrarrd win for liverpool?
Such world class matches from next week..and people discussing Tajikistan and Sunil CHetri!! Haha

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Ram Sharma
RE:RE:Where is Inidan Football heading..???
by Ram Sharma on Aug 14, 2008 10:32 AM
Instead of being happy that we r not very good at football, u should try to introspect, how the situation can b improved. Only making fun will not help. They hv now achieved something and need our encouragement instead of ridicule.

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lonely boy
RE:Where is Inidan Football heading..???
by lonely boy on Aug 14, 2008 10:35 AM
sandeep is an a s s h o l e

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sandeep kumar
Victory against team ranked 130 !!
by sandeep kumar on Aug 14, 2008 10:18 AM  | Hide replies

People are getting carried away, and now they got an oppurtunity to blast cricketers for losing 1 sereis, forgetting the poor umpiring that cost us. Will the likes of Chettri if selected to teams like EPL, score goals against ferdinand,terry,carvalho,cannavaro,Nemanja vidic if he plays against such classy defenders. Bhutia dint even score at 2nd dicision football. SO let India first beat japan,s korea and then ppl celebrate

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ramen das
RE:Victory against team ranked 130 !!
by ramen das on Aug 14, 2008 10:22 AM
bhutia scored 4 bury FC...at least once 4 sure......

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Ram Sharma
RE:Victory against team ranked 130 !!
by Ram Sharma on Aug 14, 2008 10:38 AM
Dear Sandeep. We Indians hv got addicted to Cricket, causing great harm to other games. The only solution for this is to BAN CRICKET & ITS LIVE TELECAST FOR AT LEAST 15 YRS.

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lonely boy
RE:Victory against team ranked 130 !!
by lonely boy on Aug 14, 2008 10:36 AM
sandeep is an a s s h o l e

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RE:RE:Victory against team ranked 130 !!
by Dax on Aug 14, 2008 10:32 AM
Get lost from this forum !!you cricket maniac. Cricket is played by dozen countries and you feel that India is doing well (even in this dozen they are not no 1 ) and football is played by more than 100 countries and try to appreciate this inspite of no patronisation and sponsorship like sickening cricket.

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RE:Victory against team ranked 130 !!
by Dax on Aug 14, 2008 10:28 AM

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Ritesh Mishra
RE:RE:Victory against team ranked 130 !!
by Ritesh Mishra on Aug 14, 2008 10:38 AM
Sandeep , Bhutia Could Not Score ..so ???? ....Did we not Qualify for Asia Cup after 24 years .... Is that Not good for now ?? ..

I am sure You are not workin for Microsoft , R U not happy wid the INFY;'S & Wipros??

Small Achievements , grow big later ..learn to clap and appreciate your Country ..

bolo ??

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Amit B
RE:Victory against team ranked 130 !!
by Amit B on Aug 14, 2008 10:33 AM
Well .. i love Cricket as much as Football .. but just like it took 1983 world cup win (which mind you was played by 8 odd countries) .. i feel if nurtured properly a good performance in Asia Cup 2011 would really give a major boost to Football in India ... Cricket is still played within 8 main countries... and no matter how bad we perform there is no way u will be relegated to a lower level ... so sometime or the other u will find some good players to raise the bar ...

So, don't underestimate this performance ... Football is way too popular in the world as compared to Cricket ...

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Joydeep Sen
RE:Victory against team ranked 130 !!
by Joydeep Sen on Aug 14, 2008 10:41 AM
Leave this forum and go away bu.l sh.et..stupid fellow..You are comapring Cricket(10 playing nation) with football (Almost all countries in the world now play football)!!!???

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Ritesh Mishra
RE:Victory against team ranked 130 !!
by Ritesh Mishra on Aug 14, 2008 10:34 AM
sandeep , u need to find out your contribution to Football , apart from claapping at EPL 'S ...... shameles people ...

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Subhadip Mondal
RE:Victory against team ranked 130 !!
by Subhadip Mondal on Aug 14, 2008 10:31 AM
dude......no one is denying the fact that there is a long way to go for Indian Football......nor r we blaming cricters for loosing one series......cricket is in its position and the other sports r at a different position.......dont mix these 2.......and u shouldnt be taking away the credit from our players........ i am very sure u didnt start walking the day u were born........u started crawling......then u stood up.....then u walked........hope u getting my point.........if not......welll.....a better phrase......"Rome was not built in a day".... GOD Bless.....

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Venugopal R
by Venugopal R on Aug 14, 2008 10:15 AM

Congrats!!!! keep it up

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