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Coach Houghton hails football team''s win

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congratzz...india team
by anubhav on Aug 14, 2008 12:34 PM  | Hide replies

many congratzz to indian soccer team !!!
But there's no need to blame cricket.There is simple funda behind the less/more popularity/sponsorship behind any game.See if in any sport india do well..it's gonna attact media,public,sponsorship.India won 1983 world cup..frm there on it started gaining popularity and it is continuing.

In hockey at the starting when it is played on grass turf..we won few golds..but after that as turf changed there were no significant achievement..so gradually it lost its glory.And yaaar no body is goin to watch a looser team..no media..no sponsorship..sorry..donn expect anything

In football also..there were no such performance which can attract the public to sit and watch the game.Now since it has won a tournament..and qualified for aisa cup..we r here talking abt the sport.And if we win the aisa cup as well..and if do well at international level.No doubt that it's gonna overcome the popularity of sports.

sania mirza..saina nehwal..mahesh bhupati/leander paes...rajyvardhan rathore,abhinav bindra..these r the example who brought the game to the notice of common people,media,sponsors.

so be it any sports..it has do well.Cricket must have brought some glory that's y it is so recognized.And we fail in it..it will also loose it's popularity like other sports.

so keep the performance up...keep attracting media,public,sponsorship,trp or watever..simple.

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ravi kumar
RE:congratzz...india team
by ravi kumar on Aug 14, 2008 01:09 PM
dear anunhav,

fine ,as per u cricket hve gain only b,coz of 1983 world cup , but were is the result till now .
the respect , the money , the popularity ,fame . , hardly they hve won oversees tour , everything they hve is not justifying ji but still they are getting everything , nonoby in this world get this fame ........ without winning ,

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reena denny
RE:congratzz...india team
by reena denny on Aug 14, 2008 01:26 PM
Dont simply blame cricket standard of India. India is one of the top ten in world. Not Top ten in Asia or in SAARC. Why the super powers like America not able to beat India in Cricket. We should be proud of our world status in Cricket. But we are expecting our team should lift world cup every time thats why we blame them.

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Deepak Nair
RE:congratzz...india team
by Deepak Nair on Aug 14, 2008 01:41 PM
it is nt that v expct team india 2 win the wrld cup evry 4 yrs.....its just that v expct them 2 show sum fighting spirit wen they play .....sumtimes its the meek surrendr against teams lyk srilanka,aus,rsa that hurts.......the solution is nt 2 ban crickt ...that is bulshit ..... the sports associations running the games in india shud try 2 mak their respectiv games professional n try 2 improve the game at the grassroot level.......take the games lyk football,volleyball,athletics.....games of mass appeal 2 the rural n backwatrd areas.... wich vl provide those people wid sumthing meanongful in lyf 2 do......

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CrimeMaster GoGo
RE:congratzz...india team
by CrimeMaster GoGo on Aug 14, 2008 02:38 PM

very sensible. these football fans dont want to see the size of the mat they are standing on.

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arijit chatterjee
RE:congratzz...india team
by arijit chatterjee on Aug 14, 2008 05:49 PM
can u tell me, how many nations play CRICKET at the highest level of d sport in d whole world ? & whats India's ranking in tests & odis ? how many tourneys have we won outside India ?

Cricket is an entertaining sport but given too much focus. have you seen China perform in d Olympics ! its good for India that they don't play cricket. once these countries (china, us, france, etc.)start playing this sport seriously, India's days might be more than over. defeating Australia has become a hell lot of a job for India. can u tell me how well have India fared against d Aussies, leaving the last VB Series ?

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Patrick DeSouza
RE:congratzz...india team
by Patrick DeSouza on Aug 15, 2008 01:05 AM
And Crimemaster Gogo doesn't understand the size of the platform he's screaming from at.

A win is a win.

Even cricket fans burst crackers when we beat the likes of Bermuda.

Gogo needs to control his trap or he'll be left with no where to go

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great win
by as on Aug 14, 2008 12:33 PM

congrats to indian team..keep up the good work...long way to go

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super success
by super success on Aug 14, 2008 12:20 PM  | Hide replies


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Scorpio Tango
by Scorpio Tango on Aug 14, 2008 12:24 PM
The North star and the Polar star is born in Goa.....so sad they can't play football to save their lives

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michelle rebello
by michelle rebello on Aug 14, 2008 01:36 PM
Are you from Goa? if Yes, then its a shame you dont know about the stars Goa once gave to India, There were many goan players who played for the national team and are still playing,So please dont say No start has been born in goa, they are the stars who made it to the national team
Football was never considered a major sport as cricket is. The Govt. media & even a major section of Indian public supports cricket, no proper attention and facilities are given to the football players whereas on the cricket players are given 5-star treatment.

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desi dragon
beating tajikistan
by desi dragon on Aug 14, 2008 12:09 PM  | Hide replies

Congratulations on beating a fifa 156th ranked country of goat herders . great :)

Indian football is on the rise once again !

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sanjeev shrivastava
RE:beating tajikistan
by sanjeev shrivastava on Aug 14, 2008 12:22 PM
Is our rank 155 now?

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True Indian
RE:beating tajikistan
by True Indian on Aug 14, 2008 12:20 PM
desi dragon bhai you are really very hard on the. But what you say is correct..so will all the football team also ride a bus and take trip of kolkotta???

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RE:RE:beating tajikistan
by as on Aug 14, 2008 12:31 PM
before that we were not even beating the goat herders...so dude get a life and praise when its needed...congrats to indian tem..long way to go..

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RE:beating tajikistan
by Pratham on Aug 14, 2008 12:57 PM
It is still better than being at rank 5 in a game (cricket) being played by just 7 nations seriously

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shailesh gupta
RE:beating tajikistan
by shailesh gupta on Aug 14, 2008 01:24 PM
very right
its like being in bottom 3 in cricket
and top 156 in world football
that has to improve

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james ap
Not a great Win
by james ap on Aug 14, 2008 12:08 PM

The teams participated in AFC challer were all ranked lower to India in FIFA ranking except North Korea against whom India did not play. India should play against hightly ranked teams then (atleast above 100 ranked teams) then only we could see the real standard of Indian Football. I had watched India playing Maldive in the SAFF final and found that it is not a great team

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by SUDIP on Aug 14, 2008 12:06 PM  | Hide replies

Even today World Cup Football is considered the greatest sporting event on EARTH ...

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Scorpio Tango
by Scorpio Tango on Aug 14, 2008 12:27 PM
Dude I mean how true!!!!!!.....the olympics is NOT the greatest sporting event on earth.....when are morons going to understand this.....the only religion on earth is called football (a retard country calls it soccer)......the rest are called sports

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by varun on Aug 14, 2008 12:28 PM
it will always be the greatest sporting event!

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Juan Rosario Malvino DeCunha
Kudos to Bobby and Team India
by Juan Rosario Malvino DeCunha on Aug 14, 2008 11:55 AM  | Hide replies

My heartily congratulation to Team India, esp Beichung Bhutia and Sunil Chetri, the two architects of Indian Victory. Also a great kudos to Indian Coach Bob Houghton who transformed Indian team.

I am requesting AIFF to do necessary action to keep Bobby for a few more years, so that he can transform India as a Asian Football Powerhouse.

It is sad that peoples, Indian Medias, and Corporates are not giving that much importance to football, hockey, shooting, archery, swimming, athletics, and other sports even though there are success within the limitation of poor infrastructure and support.

Shame on Indian Cricketers who lost miserably in Sri Lanka. As an Indian, I am ashame of Sachin Tendulkar, Saurav Ganguly, and Rahul Dravid. Sunil Chetri and Beichung Bhutia are real heroes than the above three idiots.

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RE:Kudos to Bobby and Team India
by SUDIP on Aug 14, 2008 12:03 PM
Please Let us not talk about that Shit Game of Cricket ... its already spoiled ... with too much money ...

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RE:Kudos to Bobby and Team India
by anubhav on Aug 14, 2008 12:37 PM
there's no need to blame cricket.There is simple funda behind the less/more popularity/sponsorship behind any game.See if in any sport india do well..it's gonna attact media,public,sponsorship.India won 1983 world cup..frm there on it started gaining popularity and it is continuing.

In hockey at the starting when it is played on grass turf..we won few golds..but after that as turf changed there were no significant achievement..so gradually it lost its glory.And yaaar no body is goin to watch a looser team..no media..no sponsorship..sorry..donn expect anything

In football also..there were no such performance which can attract the public to sit and watch the game.Now since it has won a tournament..and qualified for aisa cup..we r here talking abt the sport.And if we win the aisa cup as well..and if do well at international level.No doubt that it's gonna overcome the popularity of sports.

sania mirza..saina nehwal..mahesh bhupati/leander paes...rajyvardhan rathore,abhinav bindra..these r the example who brought the game to the notice of common people,media,sponsors.

so be it any sports..it has do well.Cricket must have brought some glory that's y it is so recognized.And we fail in it..it will also loose it's popularity like other sports.

so keep the performance up...keep attracting media,public,sponsorship,trp or watever..simple.

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way to go
by lover on Aug 14, 2008 11:54 AM  | Hide replies

chettri and i have studied in the same class.. we last met 6 months back at a friends party.
In skool we used to place our bets on him and he never used to let us down.
bravo and keep it up champ

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somnath kar
RE:way to go
by somnath kar on Aug 14, 2008 12:06 PM
A few days ago you said the PM was your neighbour... also Sachin used to borrow money from you for his school fee... tum kaun ho bhai...

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vivek singh
RE:way to go
by vivek singh on Aug 14, 2008 12:17 PM
why r u so jealous if someone friend and colleague have done country proud?my friend have played for india and lot of ppl here friends might be famous

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mohak chaudhary
RE:way to go
by mohak chaudhary on Aug 14, 2008 12:23 PM
somkanth get a life man

there r better things to do rather than this

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Satya ss
All dogs will bark during olympics
by Satya ss on Aug 14, 2008 11:50 AM  | Hide replies

All our athletes (are they really?) will return with items shopped from China on a pleasure trip sponsored from Tax payers money but with no medals nor any thing worth remembering/ All other dogs will be barking abt how appalling it is.. Let the olympic get over and all the dogs will stop barking..

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Mohammed imran
RE:All dogs will bark during olympics
by Mohammed imran on Aug 14, 2008 12:29 PM
have ypu ever paid tax

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