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Williams sisters power on in Beijing

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chandra kant
by chandra kant on Aug 12, 2008 06:12 PM
What is the use of looking beautiful and gorgeous when she cannot perform. She was well aware of her injury then what was the fun of competing.
One thing is there whetehr she loses or wins(whivh is seldom happenig these days) her photo appears in the media.

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by Basant on Aug 12, 2008 05:22 PM
What use are the looks when she cannot perform

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Vladimir Stalin
by Vladimir Stalin on Aug 12, 2008 05:30 PM
How do you say that she cannot perform?

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chandra kant
by chandra kant on Aug 12, 2008 06:13 PM
Perform in what ?

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Redif is great
by Redif is great on Aug 12, 2008 06:13 PM

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red chillies
Olympic mirror shows our Politicians are Impotent Dogs
by red chillies on Aug 12, 2008 04:57 PM

OLYMPICS is a mirror shows our Politicians are Impotent Dogs.
Olympics is a benchmark of How responsible the Leadership is and how sensitive they are towards the civil society at large.
Here the Lampoons wretched lusty animals only allowed to become politician and their favourite hiding place is behind 'LIKE PEOPLE LIKE LEADER" excuse which is a farce and shameless stupid argument.
Politicians are themselves the most rotten problem of this Nation who only know to eat taxpayers money and loot the nation.
OLYMPICS show how the Democratic system in our country is looted by the Impotent people called Politicians of land.

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Too much attention spoiled Sania
by TeraBaap on Aug 12, 2008 04:55 PM  | Hide replies

Sania is never a hope to go beyond 2nd round bu worst, she doesn't have discipline to know the dress code and was instrumental in India cutting a sorry figure in opening march. She is just the best muslim sports figure but to expect her winning a mdeal for the country, then wait for SAARC games, she will do it.

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ajay patel
RE:Too much attention spoiled Sania
by ajay patel on Aug 12, 2008 06:06 PM

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red chillies
Olympic mirror shows our Politicians are Impotent dogs
by red chillies on Aug 12, 2008 04:54 PM

OLYMPICS is a mirror shows our Politicians are Impotent Dogs.
Olympics is a benchmark of How responsible the Leadership is and how sensitive they are towards the civil society at large.
Here the Lampoons wretched lusty animals only allowed to become politician and their favourite hiding place is behind 'LIKE PEOPLE LIKE LEADER" excuse which is a farce and shameless stupid argument.
Politicians are themselves the most rotten problem of this Nation who only know to eat taxpayers money and loot the nation.
OLYMPICS show how the Democratic system in our country is looted by the Impotent people called Politicians of land.

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red chillies
Olympic mirror shows our Politicians are Impotent Dogs
by red chillies on Aug 12, 2008 04:54 PM

OLYMPICS is a mirror shows our Politicians are Impotent Dogs.
Olympics is a benchmark of How responsible the Leadership is and how sensitive they are towards the civil society at large.
Here the Lampoons wretched lusty animals only allowed to become politician and their favourite hiding place is behind 'LIKE PEOPLE LIKE LEADER" excuse which is a farce and shameless stupid argument.
Politicians are themselves the most rotten problem of this Nation who only know to eat taxpayers money and loot the nation.
OLYMPICS show how the Democratic system in our country is looted by the Impotent people called Politicians of land.

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by Basant on Aug 12, 2008 04:52 PM
Sania's commitment is doubtful. Looks like she is heading for Bollywood instead of Tennis

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by ANAND DUDALA on Aug 12, 2008 05:23 PM
Anyways she wouldn't have gone beyond 1st Round , media only build hopes on her . I knew it she is no good to expect a medal. This injury has cut a sorry figure of India . what a shame ..

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hari nair
by hari nair on Aug 12, 2008 06:05 PM
r u nuts ms. aishwarya?? sania & best?? teach her how to play tennis, looking gorgeous does not help in sports. ask her to be strong.

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chandra kant
by chandra kant on Aug 12, 2008 06:16 PM
Ha ha ha ha ha , aishwarya pls compete in LAUGHTER CHALAGE on Star One.

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by Kumar on Aug 12, 2008 04:23 PM
yes she is famous for injuries

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