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Bindra reflects self-confident youth

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Narasimha Joshi
Appreciable conduct
by Narasimha Joshi on Aug 12, 2008 02:02 PM

Abhinav Bindra created history for our nation by winning Gold Medal at Beijing Olympics. He should be recognized at National Level for which Govt Of India must do something exceptional to Honour him.

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Karl Marx
by Karl Marx on Aug 12, 2008 01:48 PM

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Karl Marx
by Karl Marx on Aug 12, 2008 01:57 PM

You Stupid , CIA agent , Capitalist ...

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Karl Marx
by Karl Marx on Aug 12, 2008 01:56 PM
You , stupid , CIA agent , Capitalist ...

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Kaushik  Banerjee
Savour the success
by Kaushik Banerjee on Aug 12, 2008 01:39 PM  | Hide replies

Abhinav has shown all of us
a) how talent if discovered early, nurtured and groomed properly and provided the right support structure, can always have the potential to become a champion
b) dedication, hard work and single-minded attention to one's goal (which is to fare well in your field) is the only route towards success
c) what importance a single gold medal carries for a billion-strong nation as it epitomises the aspirations of all of us who are striving to conquer odds
So let us cherish this milestone in our sporting history and contribute in our own way to building a future nation of champions.

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Good job
by Shiva on Aug 12, 2008 01:22 PM  | Hide replies

I congratulate Abhinav Bindra for his achievement. He has done something fantastic and we feel proud of it.
But I dont understand the idea of using this achievement to say something about India's present generation.
In my view, India's youth in general is as corrupt and narrow minded as the previous generation or maybe even worse. They are neither confident about themselves nor have self esteem or pride in being Indian.
They hate people from other castes,religions etc. and really havent shown much improvement in civic sense,work ethic, professionalism or being open minded.
This guy's achievement reflects his own hard work and talent. Dont equate that with the rest of today's overrated useless Indian youth.
BTW I'm not a bitter old man. I'm 23 and I know what my generation is like.

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RE:Good job
by RR on Aug 12, 2008 01:30 PM
Yeah u r right shiva, its the upper middle and upper class who dont know the value of money, dont value society, dont hv civic sense. To quote, come weekend friday night, saturday nights these guys party shouting and playing till wee hrs disturbing the neighbourhood and sleep like buffallows during the day when others are awake. They are over confident and wreckless guys not valuing the elders.

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Manoj M
RE:Good job
by Manoj M on Aug 12, 2008 01:59 PM
Elders need to earn their respect. They earn their money & spend it the way they deem fit. Why are you complaining, is it because you wish you could emulate them? Everybody has different value of money. A man earning 5000Rs a month values 10 Rupees differently from a man earning 1000 p.m, or a man earning 1,00000 p.m. Dont insist that everybody's perception of the value of money should match yours. Bill Gates after having billions gave away almost 70% of his wealth. Have you even given away 0.7% of yours? Height of hypocrisy.

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RE:Good job
by RR on Aug 12, 2008 02:50 PM
what respect u r talking gentleboy, its because of elders u r what u r now, u guys with your money spending power are spoilt ones, just wait for ur next gen u will know what I am saying, how many bill gates can you quote? Hp v can count by fingers.

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Lekha Menon
RE:RE:Good job
by Lekha Menon on Aug 12, 2008 01:29 PM
your observation is spot on. It's all about the individual. But i must say a large part of our urban young population is getting more confident and liberal.

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sriram veeramani krishnan
RE:Good job
by sriram veeramani krishnan on Aug 12, 2008 01:40 PM
right on . bindra succeded because of effort sacrifice and the support of a cooperative WEALTHY family . in now way is he reflective of our generation of EDUCATED PROFESSIONALS. but many other sportsmen in india with bindras support will be able to succeed at the highest level . example narain karthikeyan who also hails from a wealthy but broad minded and supportive family .
this success is more reflective of the fact that the need to work to feed families is restraining many potential sportsmen from giving their best . i guess its ovbvious.

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red chillies
Olympic mirror shows our Politicians are Impotent Dogs
by red chillies on Aug 12, 2008 01:15 PM  | Hide replies

Olympics is a mirror to show our Politicians are Impotent Dogs who can only eat the Taxpayers money and loot the Country.
Olympic is the benchmark of sensitiveness towards the masses by the leadership of the civil system and here only the Antisocials and wretched lusty idiots are allowed to do politics and their favourite hiding place is behind the excuse "LIKE PEOPLE LIKE LEADER" which is absolutely falsely implied on the society atlarge.
OLYMPICS is a shame for the Entire Leadership of the country because they are impotent to provide any solution to any problem of this Nation and they themselves are the greatest rotten problem for the Nation.

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red chillies
Olympic mirror shows our Politicians are Impotent Dogs
by red chillies on Aug 12, 2008 01:14 PM

Olympics is a mirror to show our Politicians are Impotent Dogs who can only eat the Taxpayers money and loot the Country.
Olympic is the benchmark of sensitiveness towards the masses by the leadership of the civil system and here only the Antisocials and wretched lusty idiots are allowed to do politics and their favourite hiding place is behind the excuse "LIKE PEOPLE LIKE LEADER" which is absolutely falsely implied on the society atlarge.
OLYMPICS is a shame for the Entire Leadership of the country because they are impotent to provide any solution to any problem of this Nation and they themselves are the greatest rotten problem for the Nation.

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comapre dravid,tendulkar with bindra
by terminator on Aug 12, 2008 01:13 PM

compare rahul dravid ,sachin tendulkar with bindra..those 2 cricketers are the most great cowards in india...wat they r missing?Is it money,fame,opportunities,experience or any other things..??????????they fail to produce even ordinary performance most times..

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red chillies
Olympic mirror shows our Politicians are Impotent Dogs
by red chillies on Aug 12, 2008 01:12 PM

Olympics is a mirror to show our Politicians are Impotent Dogs who can only eat the Taxpayers money and loot the Country.
Olympic is the benchmark of sensitiveness towards the masses by the leadership of the civil system and here only the Antisocials and wretched lusty idiots are allowed to do politics and their favourite hiding place is behind the excuse "LIKE PEOPLE LIKE LEADER" which is absolutely falsely implied on the society atlarge.
OLYMPICS is a shame for the Entire Leadership of the country because they are impotent to provide any solution to any problem of this Nation and they themselves are the greatest rotten problem for the Nation.

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red chillies
Olympic mirror shows our Politicians are Impotent dogs
by red chillies on Aug 12, 2008 01:11 PM

Olympics is a mirror to show our Politicians are Impotent Dogs who can only eat the Taxpayers money and loot the Country.
Olympic is the benchmark of sensitiveness towards the masses by the leadership of the civil system and here only the Antisocials and wretched lusty idiots are allowed to do politics and their favourite hiding place is behind the excuse "LIKE PEOPLE LIKE LEADER" which is absolutely falsely implied on the society atlarge.
OLYMPICS is a shame for the Entire Leadership of the country because they are impotent to provide any solution to any problem of this Nation and they themselves are the greatest rotten problem for the Nation.

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red chillies
Olympic mirror shows our Politicians are Impotent Dogs
by red chillies on Aug 12, 2008 01:10 PM

Olympics is a mirror to show our Politicians are Impotent Dogs who can only eat the Taxpayers money and loot the Country.
Olympic is the benchmark of sensitiveness towards the masses by the leadership of the civil system and here only the Antisocials and wretched lusty idiots are allowed to do politics and their favourite hiding place is behind the excuse \"LIKE PEOPLE LIKE LEADER\" which is absolutely falsely implied on the society atlarge.
OLYMPICS is a shame for the Entire Leadership of the country because they are impotent to provide any solution to any problem of this Nation and they themselves are the greatest rotten problem for the Nation.

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