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Bindra reflects self-confident youth

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rambabu vavilapalli
Need for a coherent and consistent Sports Policy
by rambabu vavilapalli on Aug 12, 2008 02:32 PM

We, as a nation, were overwhelmed with pride and joy at the success achieved by Mr.Bindra. I join our fellow countrymen in congratulating him for his extra-ordinary feat. Amidst this immense joy, my heart is weighing heavy with regret, deplorability and pity for the kind of sports policy we have in India. But for the sheer grit and innate instinct, could Kanaram Malleshwari become an Olympian? She had her practice in a cattle shed in one of the most backward regions of this country. But for the privilege provided by the army, could Rathore become an Olympic Medal winner? But for the riches and privileges provided by his own family, could Bindra be able to travel this long? Obviously, ours is a post-success policy. Govt. join the bandwagon only to congratulate like any other citizen, but not to encourage in a desirable way. No common man in this country is able to think sports as a career like anything else. Either you should be privileged or extra-ordinarily determined to be a successful sports-fellow. We lacked every facet of a good sports policy right from the stage of identifying the talent, providing them desirable infrastructure, giving them a living, encouraging them towards greater heights etc. This only explains why one billion nation is not able to compete with minnows of African continent. It is high time we realise the importance of sports in keeping our nation proud, self-willing, athletic and ever-self-assertive. Jai Hind.

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AamBhartiya Nagrik
Bindra reflects a self-confident generation
by AamBhartiya Nagrik on Aug 12, 2008 02:22 PM

The new generation rocks!

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by terminator on Aug 12, 2008 02:21 PM  | Hide replies

compare rahul dravid ,sachin tendulkar with bindra..those 2 cricketers are the most great cowards in india...wat they r missing?Is it money,fame,opportunities,experience or any other things..??????????they fail to produce even ordinary performance most times..

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by neeraj on Aug 12, 2008 02:34 PM
Dear Terminator bhai,

Yaha pe bhi negaitive!!!! are kabhi to positive bolo

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halwa singh
by halwa singh on Aug 12, 2008 02:36 PM
Rahul Dravid has scored a whopping 25% of India's runs in test matches in India's golden period from 2000 till now. If someone has to be blamed it has to be Sachin who has not done anything worthwhile in 20 years!!!! Also remember Bindra is a millionaire's son. He in fact has his own shooting yard near his home practice. Not everyone is that fortunate.

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by vinay on Aug 12, 2008 04:15 PM
may b corect. but even after being rich, he workd hard n made his full efforts in achieving this goal of beating all in the olympics.

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Secular India
Bindra is a perfect example of Indian state withering away
by Secular India on Aug 12, 2008 02:21 PM  | Hide replies

The rich have secceded from India. They stay in gated communities and Apartment complexes and farm houses which are more like Europe and California. They do not use public water, power , municipality or law and order.

Bindra is a poster child of this new other India - where parents can buy the best education and facilities to make their child succeed. They work hard and make money. And they do not rely on the clowns who run this country.

Indians will succeed...but the more they succeed, the worst the government is likely to become.l Because the the rich and the famous do not need the government except for the police and the army to protect them.

And Abhinav does not need a penny of the crores the government is giving him post facto.

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Para Mesh
RE:Bindra is a perfect example of Indian state withering away
by Para Mesh on Aug 12, 2008 02:38 PM
I endorse fully. I think the rifle needs to be turned against these jokers

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vasanth m
Bindra resembles Federer in attitude
by vasanth m on Aug 12, 2008 02:18 PM

Bindra's attitude just looks like Rogers Federer's attitude. Both r champions and have simplicity in common between them.

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rajesh b
by rajesh b on Aug 12, 2008 02:10 PM

Congratulations to Bindra for making our country proud. While it is a great moment for the nation, the government of this country should be ashamed. What is their contribution in his achievement. What example are we setting. THe amount of money and the efforts put in by Bindra are his own. The shooting range built by the Sports Authority of India does not even have the basics required for our people to compete at international level. Who is to be held accountable for this. While every youth would love to emulate Bindra, how many of us have the wherewithal to pursue a sport like shooting. The amount of money spent by bindra and his family in setting up a personal shooting range and sending him overseas for trainings. Isnt it the responsibility of the government to provide the infrastructure required for us to compete at this level. I think the government owes an apolgy to bindra and to the people of this nation for the sorry state of affairs. They have no right to expect medals when they have miserable failed to harness potential.


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rajesh b
by rajesh b on Aug 12, 2008 02:10 PM

Congratulations to Bindra for making our country proud. While it is a great moment for the nation, the government of this country should be ashamed. What is their contribution in his achievement. What example are we setting. THe amount of money and the efforts put in by Bindra are his own. The shooting range built by the Sports Authority of India does not even have the basics required for our people to compete at international level. Who is to be held accountable for this. While every youth would love to emulate Bindra, how many of us have the wherewithal to pursue a sport like shooting. The amount of money spent by bindra and his family in setting up a personal shooting range and sending him overseas for trainings. Isnt it the responsibility of the government to provide the infrastructure required for us to compete at this level. I think the government owes an apolgy to bindra and to the people of this nation for the sorry state of affairs. They have no right to expect medals when they have miserable failed to harness potential.


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by AK on Aug 12, 2008 02:04 PM  | Hide replies

Congratulations are warranted for Bindra's achievements, but media & young generation should not get carried away with the euphoria.

Sports & Artistic Talents get publicised so extensively that sometimes young people can loose touch with reality. Overall these activities are good for already well to do families since only miniscule percentages succeed and the rest go home empty handed. This is the same case with all the reality shows.

In a poor country, the importance of education can not be emphasized enough. This is the only method a large number of young ones can improve their income & hence social status.

Do not get me wrong, Bindra deserves everything he has achieved and I do not have anything against exploring & achieving your full potential.

All I am advocating is that young people have to be practical, judge their own situation, assess their talents realistically, risk manage (plan for the future if do not succeed), decide and then execute accordingly.

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by vinay on Aug 12, 2008 04:19 PM
ak. one thing abt abhinav is that he is an mba and also a gold medalist. so he has not sacrificed his studies for sports. that way, he is a really good role model for the young kids.

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by AK on Aug 13, 2008 09:07 AM
Hats off to Abhinav for achieving both distinctions. I do want children believe in themselves and achieve their maximum potential in anything they do.

How many children (% wise) can do that? Should they set similar goals?

To repharse myself: Children should pursue extra-curricular activities along with education. If child is extra-ordinary, realistic assessment, then one should shoot for the stars, otherwise do not sacrifice education and keep that activity simply as an extra-curricular activity, nothing more.

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Kannan Palaniswamy
by Kannan Palaniswamy on Aug 12, 2008 02:11 PM
this is what Abhinav told as "negativism"..try....try...try...u will get it...

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by AK on Aug 12, 2008 02:21 PM
I think I am missing your point.

I am not being negative, I am trying to balance the euphoria and give other side of the coin for young readers of this forum and advice to the parents in grooming their children.

Media does not highlight achievements of education enough.

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Secular India
by Secular India on Aug 12, 2008 02:29 PM
I think you are missing the point. Education by itself is no guarantee for success. even with IIT IIM degree - less than 40% are people you can even call remotely successful. the important thing is to find out what your kids are good at and give them the best possible opportunity to succeed. in ANY field.

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by AK on Aug 12, 2008 02:40 PM
If I understand you correctly, percentage of children succeeding in Sports is the same as with Education. Maybe you are right, I am missing the point.

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supriyo das
Talent with money
by supriyo das on Aug 12, 2008 02:03 PM  | Hide replies

Bindra's success once again proves that talent without strong financial status is of no use. He was lucky to be born in a family having a business empire of multi hundred crores. How many talented shooters in india can afford to have a personal shooting arena at his backyard? How many can have proper proper psychological grooming and education in USA? Our worthless govt have money to buy weapons or force implement quota in premiere institutes. But have no money to support the sportsmen who show promise early. Whatever bindra has done, has been abcked by his parents. India as a country has no contribution in it. So it should not claim its share in the glory Bindra has brought to himself and his family.

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Phul Jain
RE:Talent with money
by Phul Jain on Aug 12, 2008 02:09 PM
well said my friend

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