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I was not bothered about history: Bindra

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deepa wali
congratulations to abhinav
by deepa wali on Aug 11, 2008 04:24 PM

Abhinav you have really made all Indian proud. It is such an amazing feeling that we won the gold medal and in a sports where most of the Indians even donot know that such type of Sports exists. You have really rocked the day man. Thanks and best wishes.

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Atfel Richard
Let the Tricolor fly high.
by Atfel Richard on Aug 11, 2008 04:23 PM

Congrats Abhinav for this stupendous achievement..I was in tears when the national anthem was played and our flag was raised high among others..

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Indians can out do Chinese.
by Himalay on Aug 11, 2008 04:21 PM

You have proved that Indians have it in them to out do the Chinese, this is just the begining.

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Ajay Pandey
The best news I ever had
by Ajay Pandey on Aug 11, 2008 04:19 PM

I woke up early in the morning to catch up with the pending work over the weekend and like usual I went to the TOI website for the morning news and what an surprise Abhinav brought us in the list with his golden shooting!!
You made us proud beyond the expectations!

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Great Achievement
by Rajgopal on Aug 11, 2008 04:18 PM

Abhinav- you have made us proud. your gold winning effort should give fillip to other sports & make our cricketers feel ashamed. Hope u continue your good work & inspire other athletes

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manoj koeri
by manoj koeri on Aug 11, 2008 04:13 PM

we are proud of you.

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kunal khanna
congrats !!
by kunal khanna on Aug 11, 2008 04:04 PM

congrats u hve made india PROUD !!

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kunal khanna
congrats !!
by kunal khanna on Aug 11, 2008 04:04 PM

congrats u hve made india PROUD !!

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Maheh Panchal
by Maheh Panchal on Aug 11, 2008 04:01 PM

wE PROUDE OF U ABHINAV YOU made India proud as we havent had gold medal from ages

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What an ID Gift !!!!
by ANURADHA SRINIVASAN on Aug 11, 2008 04:00 PM

Congrads Adhinav .....its really a grt time in the Indian Sports History.....Its a grt gift before the Independence Day....Itn was really nice to here the Indian National Anthem in a event like the Olympic.....We expect to c more medals....

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