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Attack-hit west China tightens security

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Read These Lines From The Article!!
by SS on Aug 05, 2008 10:21 AM  | Hide replies

Xinjiang's 8 million largely Muslim Uighurs have been a focus of intense security in the run-up to the Games that open on Friday. Officials have said militants seeking an independent "East Turkestan" homeland are among the biggest threats to the Games.

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Saurabh Dwivedi
RE:Read These Lines From The Article!!
by Saurabh Dwivedi on Aug 05, 2008 10:37 AM
Ya , rightly understood, Is there any place on earth where muslims are posing as threats ?? Muslims are synonymous to violence,terror,barbarism and cruelty...

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RE:Read These Lines From The Article!!
by satsat on Aug 05, 2008 10:53 AM
Saurabh, don't use bad words against muslims, we respect other religions, we also know there are lot of hindu terrorist but they are coward hiding in mouse-holes. just shut your mouth better, better for you

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shri kant gupta
RE:Read These Lines From The Article!!
by shri kant gupta on Aug 05, 2008 12:13 PM
the people like satsat are damaging the country, these people does not have mind and open eye, theese fools destroying our country silentelly

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Abhishek Awasthi
RE:Read These Lines From The Article!!
by Abhishek Awasthi on Aug 05, 2008 10:58 AM
Kyon, tera mummy Muslim ka laura chusta hai kya ??

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A J  Y
RE:Read These Lines From The Article!!
by A J Y on Aug 05, 2008 12:24 PM
To find out true meaning of Islam .... visit website hhoommaa . org .... pls note that rediff blocks my message everytime I write the correct website spelling .... hence treat the double alphabets as single alphabets .... accordingly the hhoommaa will become a 4 letter word .... rediff will block this message soon , so pls visit the website today - i promise you wont regret it

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Pankaj Singh
RE:Read These Lines From The Article!!
by Pankaj Singh on Aug 05, 2008 11:06 AM
Right, 1000%

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P  Vijayakrishnan
by P Vijayakrishnan on Aug 05, 2008 10:09 AM  | Hide replies

if the world doesnot respond at the right time chinese will occupy korea japan northeast as part of china

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by krishnakanth on Aug 05, 2008 10:33 AM
korea & japan ? wake up man..instead of korea & japan it may be india.

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A J  Y
by A J Y on Aug 05, 2008 11:19 AM
Yes - If Left Front is in the Indian Politics, then the Chinese will have no problems in occupying parts of N.E India & making that part of China.

I cannot help but look at the recent terrorist activities in China as a bitter-sweet event.

Why the mixed feelings ?

How can I have mixed feelings about any terrorist activities in China, especially when our India has been reeling under a spate of terror attacks for 2 decades.

Well, the facts is that anti-India terrorists have been provided cover & chinese ammonution by the Chinese for many years now. But the fact is that if you breed snakes to strike your neighbours, the day is not far away, when the snake will bite you too. In the same way China is now paying the long term damages, for its past sins of encouraging terror against its neighbour for short terms gains.

Jai Hind !!!

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jiju bhargavan
by jiju bhargavan on Aug 05, 2008 11:31 AM
This is lesson for China.A true danger.Till now they have been supporting and helping Pakistan to fight against India for the sake of Kashmir.Now the way is open for them...Jai Hind!!!!

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Shyam nihalani
by Shyam nihalani on Aug 05, 2008 10:30 AM
what a joke

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