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Rs 2 lakh reward for hockey players: Kar

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Kumar has no time ....
by SreehariMysore on Sep 27, 2007 01:07 AM  | Hide replies

Kumar has no time to think about Hockey... Now a days he is only thinking about How to hang on to his CM seat.

Not only Him, Almost all of our political leaders, including the sports minister at the center, don't have a sporting culture, sportsman spirit.

We cannot expect these people to recognise the Sporting talent in the country..

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RE:Kumar has no time ....
by naziralikhan on Sep 27, 2007 01:27 AM
shrehari dnt write like this,
in the place of modi ,mr kimarsawmy didt the good job & he give every player 2 lakshs cash.
when yusuf pathan &iirfan pathan never get any prize money from his state after 2 days left.in every media they remind this matter for 2 days. even irfan pathan get the man of the match cup in final. iam resding in dubai.
because his cost modi dnt like 2 announce any prize money for them.in the same place the same players in another cast,he will give more than any states prize money & he give them a big recption when they arrive their home city,
so kumarsawmy is a gentle man. in sports no cost r no state only we are all indians. we must to think like that.so pls you also think about above(modi)

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Spring Fax
RE:RE:RE:Kumar has no time ....
by Spring Fax on Sep 27, 2007 07:57 AM
Its election time in gujrat and .. code of conduct for elections are already going on in gujrat .. no one can distribute prizez / money in that period. thanks

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krishna moorthy
RE:Kumar has no time ....
by krishna moorthy on Sep 27, 2007 01:03 PM
u dont know,code of conduct,in election time they cant offer any thing as gift r project to puplic. they are sport mans nobody can stop even in election time also.abb loke accha bahana hai..kalithe ko kalthi mano.after 3 days every person shouted(media& puplic)they are giving each rs 5lakshs,now what u going to say(Its election time in gujrat and .. code of conduct for elections )theneka tho kabibi they sakthe.sachha mann chayeye.

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Anil Chandra
by Anil Chandra on Sep 27, 2007 12:55 AM  | Hide replies

my grandpa used to tell me "Padoge likhoge to hoge nawab. kheloge khudoge to hoge kharab"
No wonder!

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Raj MK
by Raj MK on Sep 27, 2007 03:24 AM
saath main ho jaaye kabab aur shabab..waah waah !!!

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Saravanan Sivaprakasam
The hockey players now shouldnt accept
by Saravanan Sivaprakasam on Sep 27, 2007 12:54 AM

For the sake of other sports these players should refuse so that this gets enough publicity and othersports man/womans achievements in future wouldnt go unnoticed

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by sandeep on Sep 27, 2007 12:41 AM  | Hide replies

hockey is a sports which is dying a slow death globally as too few support the game except in india pakistan malaysia where it is only third popular sport .so let us support football and volleyball instead of dying game which no country in the world is bothered

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vi y
by vi y on Sep 27, 2007 01:02 AM
I think you are INSANE. Hockey is our national sport and how can we stop supporting or leaving it to die...

Grow up guys...!

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by naziralikhan on Sep 27, 2007 01:01 AM
hockey is aold indian game before they bring world cups also.in cricket every offcial geting more than the players(money &facility)
we cant forget our past even in life& everything.the coach didt the right thing & for his out side field work also a insaniyath& he get the result.hats off National Chief Coach Joaquim Carvalho.we should be facilitated same way for the proud they have bought for India.like indian criket.Do we need media to motivate our leaders and sports councils in this matter.pls dnt write like this&dntbroke the hearts of real players. in any game

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koblenz koblenz
by koblenz koblenz on Sep 27, 2007 01:03 AM
yar khan, gadhoo ki kami thodi na hai is duniya mai, jo kuch bhee mai mai aai likh dete hain... chodo aaise logo ko

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koblenz koblenz
by koblenz koblenz on Sep 27, 2007 01:01 AM
It's a very popular game in Europe, far more than the countries you have mentioned. Come out of your cube and explore a bit.....

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by sandeep on Sep 27, 2007 01:12 AM
its u who have to come out of the cube man and explore the real world .iam living for the past five years in hamburg germany, only a small minority play the game in germany spain or any other country in europe except in holland .during the last world cup held in germany many people simply dont know there is world cup going on.

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sai swaroop
by sai swaroop on Sep 27, 2007 12:46 AM
I totally agree with u sandeep hockey is a boring and a dying game... i think it will have no takers very soon...

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by YoBro on Sep 27, 2007 01:55 AM
wtf? hockey is boring? u need to wear skirts and go play mummy-daddy with the girls - you moron.
If you don' know the game and all u know is watching cricket on TV - then shut ur trap.

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sree mysore
by sree mysore on Sep 27, 2007 01:19 AM
This only shows your narrow mindedness....
come out of it...
For Your kind information, Hockey is auguably THE FASTEST sport of the World...

Naturally it requires more guts and stamina, nearly 10 times than that of Cricket...

Think about it...

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by sandeep on Sep 27, 2007 01:25 AM
if that is your consideration i prefer rugby it requires 10 times more stamina and guts than hockey

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by Sunny on Sep 27, 2007 01:11 AM
Sandeep, This only shows your LACK OF KNOWLEDGE. Hockey is played in almost 70-80 countries in the world - it is quite popular in Australia, Asia (not only south asia!), Europe and South America continents. It is there in olympics, Asian games etc.

Compare it to circket which is played by 5 serious countries ! Get out of your hole and the euphoria out of the T20 win. It takes a lot to win in hockey than in cricket.

Please learn to respect true hardworking achivers.

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by sandeep on Sep 27, 2007 01:16 AM
who said it is popular in australia its ninth popular sports in australia and i have government statictics to back me up. sunny which country you are living ,iam living in hamburg and i know more about hockey abroad than u do

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by Sunny on Sep 27, 2007 01:33 AM
has anyone in hamburg even HEARD about cricket ? I am sure they have heard about hockey !! Stop fooling around and please do not compare chalk and cheese.

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by sandeep on Sep 27, 2007 01:47 AM
iam not talking about cricket did i mention anything related to cricket. iam talking about hockey popularity in germany. i think its night time go sleep kid u just cant read a message properly .

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Anantha Rajamani
Polished cover-up by NETAS!!!
by Anantha Rajamani on Sep 27, 2007 12:38 AM

While one cabinet minister files an affidavit that there was no RAM existing, the party president intervened (read as an eyewash) and directed the cab. minister to w/draw the clause. Cabinet minister regrets the error caused and suspended officals.

Now, when the hockey team protests against the step-motherly treatment meted out to them, CM thanks the hockey stars for having brought it to his notice.


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bhushan hegde
carvalho is a great leader
by bhushan hegde on Sep 27, 2007 12:21 AM

Carvalho motivated the hockey team to win the Asia cup... & now he has shown that he backs the team off the field too... given monetary benefits,the Indian hockey team will rule world hockey

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Hockey - recognition due
by star on Sep 27, 2007 12:14 AM  | Hide replies

Its a sad state of affairs. Where as hockey requires skills and is demanding on physical fitness, cricket is just a game of chance. Hockey is played by around 100 countries. Where as cricket is only popular in indian subcontinent. Basketball is no. one in West indies. Football in Aus and England. Rugby in NZ. Only we fools give undue importance to this stupid game.

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RE:Hockey - recognition due
by sandeep on Sep 27, 2007 12:29 AM
moron who said football is popular in australia .it is fifth behind cricket rugby league and australia rules. again wrong on basketball its cricket were westindies passion lies .kindly check the facts using google and dont be ignorant moron

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RE:Hockey - recognition due
by star on Sep 27, 2007 12:49 AM
Seems you love in stone age. Saying "moron" will not change the facts.JUst search on the google and you will know the truth. cricket passion in west indies, my foot. seems you are a senile old man who is unware of current happenings

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RE:Hockey - recognition due
by sandeep on Sep 27, 2007 01:02 AM
what about australia have searched the net.maybe you can check out the site regarding westindies .http://www.tourtowestindies.com/sports/

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Rajeev Iyer
Money is important even if it is taxpayers money
by Rajeev Iyer on Sep 27, 2007 12:05 AM

There are several reasons why India is not so good at sports, and one of the key reasons is that there isn't enough money in it. Therefore what the couple of messages below are suggesting in terms of not giving the hockey players money is very very wrong. These players need to be encouraged with a lot of money - that is one of the key factors that will influence more sportspersons to take up hockey and such sports. Else, like it happens today, most good potential sports players will give up and push instead for studies and a career rather than taking up sports as a career. That is one of the key areas where India loses out in sport. So, do not grudge them the money they get because in the ultimate analysis it leads to more glory for the nation.

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tarunjit singh
Step motherly treatment
by tarunjit singh on Sep 27, 2007 12:05 AM  | Hide replies

I hale the step taken by National Chief Coach Joaquim Carvalho, but would like to emphasise that instead of threatning the Chief Minister he should have threatened the Sports Minister or Prime minister for their intervention in the matter for whole team players.

After all he is National Coach.

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Rajeev Iyer
RE:Step motherly treatment
by Rajeev Iyer on Sep 27, 2007 12:07 AM
Hey maybe he is just starting with the CMs and after that he will take it up with the PM!!!

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Rajeev Iyer
Hats off to Joaquim Carvalho
by Rajeev Iyer on Sep 26, 2007 11:49 PM  | Hide replies

This man needs to be admired. He has moved a politician to undo a wrong and has done his players some good. Great work Carvalho. Also pretty gracious of Shri Kumaraswamy to admit an oversight and make amends with this award. Not many politicians will do that so his gesture needs to be appreciated. I hope the other thick-skinned politicians ruling the other states where the Asia Cup Hockey winners reside realise their error and make amends too.
Once again, good work by Carvalho to take on the establishment and get some pruchase out of the same. Hope he and his team continue to fight with the same spirit and win at the next tournament also. And I think he has done enough to ensure that henceforth when the Indian Hockey Team wins, they will be better received, better rewarded.

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Amresh Kumar
RE:Hats off to Joaquim Carvalho
by Amresh Kumar on Sep 26, 2007 11:55 PM
waste of taxpayers money.Crazy

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Saurabh Gupta
RE:Hats off to Joaquim Carvalho
by Saurabh Gupta on Sep 27, 2007 12:07 AM
Waste of Taxpayers Money!!! I think thats the best way to use our money. Better then going into pockets of corrupts politicians. paying only cricket players in really sad. infact both our hockey and football team should be facilitated same way for the proud they have bought for India. Our Cricket team juts won by luck but the hockey team's performance was beyond comparable....

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Moses Joseph
RE:Hats off to Joaquim Carvalho
by Moses Joseph on Sep 27, 2007 12:04 AM
Unfortunately, there is no Indian Hockey Board which makes fabulous money out of hockey matches and sponsorships. So, there is no money made by any one because of the hockey players unlike cricket. Am I right? Please correct me for the benefit of all readers, if I am wrong!

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r r
RE:Hats off to Joaquim Carvalho
by r r on Sep 27, 2007 12:17 AM
Moses, i think you are wrong, bcz here Carvalho demanded the govt. and not the hockey board... These govt.s are giving hefty amount to cricket players and the goverments are not bothering abt the hockey and football players..

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loler Chicken
RE:Hats off to Joaquim Carvalho
by loler Chicken on Sep 27, 2007 12:26 AM
no u r wrong... Money should be given to those who have performed but not compensated enuf....

for eg. bcci already gave 80 lakhs to each player... so the state governments need not have given more... instead they should have given it to hocket and soccer stars...

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Arivazhagan Vaithilingam
RE:Hats off to Joaquim Carvalho
by Arivazhagan Vaithilingam on Sep 27, 2007 12:14 AM
you are right.

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