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McLaren lose constructors points

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by karthik on Sep 14, 2007 10:46 AM  | Hide replies

FIA has been always partial towards Ferrari, Remember the mass damper with Renault last year ? FIA is trying for the monopoly of Ferrari which is dangerous to the sport.
If Ferrari's data has been stolen for good effect why does'nt Ferrari use those designs to overtake Mclarens? I think its not a fair decision and MClarens are the only team who can challenge Ferraris ...Now the remianing races carries no intrest at all

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by GUPTA Nitin on Sep 14, 2007 11:18 AM
Hey Karthik, so anybody can steal anybody's data and win races???? Is this how you would like to see McLaren winning??

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Abhishek Shukla
Justice Done.?
by Abhishek Shukla on Sep 14, 2007 10:36 AM  | Hide replies

This is how a struggling and unreliable Mclaren car two years ago, suddenly became a rocket on road. They went past over Ferrari's sheer speed by not advancing their racing technology, but by their rotten technique of theft. This ban is totally inadequate and the team as well as its drivers should be completely banned for atleast two years.

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Arun Prasad
RE:Justice Done.?
by Arun Prasad on Sep 14, 2007 10:47 AM
You are telling like 'Nobody can develop superior product when there is leader'. This is wrong notion. Anybody can a superior product, its all about execution.

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RE:Justice Done.?
by karthik on Sep 14, 2007 10:48 AM
Hoo So you Ferrari fans wants/Can win only this way ...!!!!

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Abhishek Shukla
RE:Justice Done.?
by Abhishek Shukla on Sep 14, 2007 11:03 AM
No, actually Mclaren can not win on its own, so it was trying to win this way...Ho Ho Ho!!!

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RE:Justice Done.?
by karthik on Sep 14, 2007 11:10 AM
What about Mclarens mate ?? They have beaten Ferrari for two consecutive years ....Ferrari tried to upset them with Massdamper issue ..but unsuccesfully though ....Ferrari can go any stooping low to defeat the opponents ..Take that !!!!

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RE:RE:Justice Done.?
by karthik on Sep 14, 2007 11:10 AM
Read Renaults in stead of Mclarens

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RE:Justice Done.?
by karthik on Sep 14, 2007 11:33 AM
Again u got it wrong Abhishek!! Renaults are no where this year for two reasons ..1.FA has left the team 2. they are unable to get in terms with Bridgestone tyres.THis shows u how good the drivers FA and LH are ..Thts why Ferraris have choosen Mclarens to target

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Abhishek Shukla
RE:Justice Done.?
by Abhishek Shukla on Sep 14, 2007 11:22 AM
Where are those super speedy Renaults this season my friend..???

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RE:Justice Done.?
by Skanda on Sep 14, 2007 10:38 AM
Well said!

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Krish Bysani
by Krish Bysani on Sep 14, 2007 09:54 AM

this was turning out be one of the most exciting seasons in recent times without the overpowering demeanour of Michael Schumacher..
and then something like this happens and destroys whatever little interest people had in the sport..

today is a sad day for F1.. this was the day F1 started dieing.. a slow death..


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Bopana Ganapathy
F1 -- Lame duck championship
by Bopana Ganapathy on Sep 14, 2007 09:36 AM

I agree with the poster who said that "my interest in this year's championship is finished". Looks like Ferrari will win the constructor's championship & either Alonso or Hamilton will win the driver's championship.

The sad part for Alonso or Hamilton is that their win will forever be tainted -- they are both phenomenal drivers in their own right and have a great history of success with other F1 teams & other forms of racing respecitvely. But in the 2007 championships, if McLaren as the constructor benefited from the Ferrari data, then by that same token so did Alonso & Hamilton as the drivers.

Hard to explain this decision by FIA, which is why you start to think that this has a lot to do with all the twists & turns to the Ron Dennis - Max Mosley relationship to begin with.

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venkatesh  naidu
Alonso should move
by venkatesh naidu on Sep 14, 2007 09:17 AM  | Hide replies

Fernando Alonso should move out from McLaren ...it seems MClaren is not just the right place to hangon...

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sukrut shah
RE:Alonso should move
by sukrut shah on Sep 14, 2007 10:33 AM
Shut up

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sangeetha naresh
Shame on Mclaren
by sangeetha naresh on Sep 14, 2007 09:11 AM

Am sure Mclaren wont feature in 2008 F1

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Rakesh Agrawal
by Rakesh Agrawal on Sep 14, 2007 08:46 AM  | Hide replies

This is really sad and a huge blow for Mclaren. I am hope they will make it into 2008 with no restrictions levied on them.
Alonso will surely move else where at the end of this season....


My Motorsport profile: http://profiles.revvs.net/rakesh/

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DrYNI Anand
by DrYNI Anand on Sep 14, 2007 10:46 AM
Please check your English before posting, Mr. F1 fan. And in your website, it says Micheal Schumacher. It's Michael Schumacher, you dolt!!

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Bopana Ganapathy
F1 -- Confusing decision
by Bopana Ganapathy on Sep 14, 2007 06:27 AM  | Hide replies

The FIA decision is hard to comprehend. Either McLaren as a team should have been fully exonerated and allowed to continue with the constructors & drivers championships, or they should have been barred from both the drivers & constructors championship.

The issue is not really about whether the Ferrari designs are incorporated into the McLaren car -- no one would be stupid enough to do that. The real question is whether McLaren could have benefited from the Ferrari data -- in terms of planning & strategy.

Think about this: If the English football team somehow got hold of the Italian football team's play book before a World Cup match, does anyone not think it would help the England team change their own strategy for the match? The same is true in miliatry operations as well -- you want to know what the enemies strengths & weaknesses are so you can devise strategies to blunt their strenths & exploit their weaknesses.

Ferrari may not exactly be a saint itself based on past history. But if the FIA determined that McLaren had possesion of Ferrari technical data, then Ferrari's strategy for the 2007 season was severely compromised. They should be barred from both the drivers & constructors championships. This would truly be sad for Lewis Hamilton who is in a position to be the first driver to win the championship in his rookie year. But the fact also remains that if McLaren gained any advantage from the Ferrari data, then so did Hamilton & Alonso. The FIA decisio

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RE:F1 -- Confusing decision
by BHASKARAN GANESHAN on Sep 14, 2007 07:48 AM
The decision is appropriate. Assuming misdeeds have taken place only the team can be punished and drivers are not at fault. They just drove the car they were given to drive. All the hard work and putting their lives somewhat to risk they cannot be stripped of their points. No doubt this is a peculiar position, where u see no points awarded to the team but their drivers scoring so many points. INstantly you feel that justice has been done. Justice sometimes can appear that way where you can equate in terms of mathematics where sum of this should be sum of that. I think the decision is fine.

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Bopana Ganapathy
RE:F1 -- Confusing decision
by Bopana Ganapathy on Sep 14, 2007 10:08 AM
No one denies the hard work & risks endured by the drivers -- not just Hamilton & Alonso, but every F1 driver puts his life on the line when he steps into the car. But that's a conscious decision they take as part of their profession. At some point where the risks outweigh the rewards (financial, adrenaline rush, passion for racing, or whatever), they call it quits -- just as Hakkinen and Schumacher did even though they probably had a few more seasons left in them.

The question here is simply whether or not McLaren benefited from the Ferrari data in the 2007 championships. If yes -- which is what the decision indicates -- then the outcome of both the constuctors & drivers championships is no longer valid.

If you read Max Mosley's letter to the McLaren drivers (http://www.planet-f1.com/story/0,18954,3213_2714366,00.html),it says: "... any information you may make available in response to this letter will not result in any proceedings against you under the International Sporting Code or the Formula One regulations. However, in the event that it later comes to light that you have withheld any potentially relevant information, serious consequences could follow."

Basically, the message is: "... In exchange for your cooperation we will LET you win with the SAME car & team even though that SAME car & team itself will be ineligible for any wins".

Of course everyone is entitled to their opinions. But I just think this decision is a contradiction.

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RE:RE:F1 -- Confusing decision
by karthik on Sep 14, 2007 10:54 AM
Valid point my friend!! i can see that mail as a blackmailing or a threatening one.

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Shameful Ferrari and FIA
by on Sep 14, 2007 05:58 AM  | Hide replies

This is as bad as F-1 can get.For years it is known that FIA and Max Moseley favor Ferrari and it is no secret that Jean Todt is going to replace Max as FIA chief in 2009.Harish, I don't know how long u have been watching f-1, but ferrari are known to cheat on a number of occasions.According to ferrari, it ain't cheating till u are caught and that refers to ferrari's illegal use of sideboard in 2007 Australian grand prix.Why were they not fined?
FIA knows is they punish the drivers they are bound to loose more than 200 million$ in TV and promotional rights.FIA better not do a deed like this again, becuase I am tired of FIA's tilt towards Ferrari for the past 20 yrs. This is indeed a sad day for Mclaren as they are robbed of the Constructor's champinoship.The only thing that Ferrari is concerned right now is punishing Mclaren and they obviously forgot Nigel Stepney.Why is ferrari not punishing the guy who did this? I do not beleive Mclaren would use any of the technology that Ferrari is using in 2007. Max Moseley and FIA should be embarassed.

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RE:Shameful Ferrari and FIA
by bharath on Sep 14, 2007 08:04 AM
Nigel is sacked and already investigated.
what do u want Ferrari to do - mafia style killing of Nigel

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nitish  reddy
RE:Shameful Ferrari and FIA
by nitish reddy on Sep 14, 2007 10:40 AM
Ferrari using the sideboard in the australian grand prix was not found out by the FIA but this information was given by Ron Dennis(Mclaren's boss)!!! only god and he knows how he knew about it. is it got something to do with the 700 odd pages which they got.
FIA's tilt towards Ferrari!!! FIA changed most of the rules to favour the others because the Ferrari was winning everything in 2003-04. The only fault of Ferrari was that they were working a little hard to win the championship.
Bopanna was saying about football book etc. Motor racingis the most technical sport in the world.Football, cricket etc are concerned with the team and individual brilliance. Remember england's cricket team's strategy was leaked from their dressing room. No big scene was created because it wouldn't effect them much.
however, because of this ban Formula 1 fans are the biggest losers and no one else

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