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India face Korea in key match

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RE:Chak De India
by Adrian on Sep 02, 2007 07:51 PM
you got to learn to respect other country. I understand sport rivalry, but calling name make you sound cheap. Look at our stealing democratic politican first before commenting on the communist theif.

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Vinu Bhardwaj
RE:Chak De India
by Vinu Bhardwaj on Sep 02, 2007 10:51 PM
I agree. Compare the life of common man in India vs. China. China has made great progess but India is still the poorest 3rd world country more interested in blaming the British

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Nilesh Mahajan
RE:Chak De India
by Nilesh Mahajan on Sep 03, 2007 09:46 AM
isn't it the case that chinese never stops lamenting over japan's deeds in 2nd world war. Scars that colonial powers generated will take centuries to heal if not thousands

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Ashwin Sehgal
RE:Chak De India
by Ashwin Sehgal on Sep 03, 2007 02:27 PM
China is thief and that is true. One day it will be disintegrated into pieces likes Russia.

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