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'Hockey needs India to thrive'

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Sreehari Mysore
India is a Hockey Nation
by Sreehari Mysore on Oct 23, 2007 02:20 PM  | Hide replies

Even though many Indians don't need Hockey(because of their ignorance of Hockey), Hockey needs India.

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hanek singh
RE:RE:India is a Hockey Nation
by hanek singh on Oct 23, 2007 10:52 PM
i am still nostalgic of the days when children played hockey by using a crooked wooden stick as and a rag ball to play hockey . people talked of dhayan chand, roop singh , kd babu , balbir singh and stick work of gurbax singh . then people will gather in large numbers to watch hockey and soccer matches . then india was world champion . now cricketers of all hue are rolling in crores.neglected hockey players have to go on hunger strike to ask for their well merited rewards . less said about our corrupt and ignorant politicians better it would be, i very much doubt that most of know which side of the bat is for playing. cricket is legacy of british colonial times . cricket a game suited to lazy and rich people . let best of the cricketer last 70 minutes of hockey or 90 minutes of grueling soccer match only then the they can claim to be sports person. all praise to charlesworth a lost son of india.during my last visit to india when indian cricket was eliminated in caribbeans i was amused to see even grand mothers bemoaning the sorry state of indian cricket

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y raj
RE:India is a Hockey Nation
by y raj on Oct 23, 2007 05:02 PM
Yeah i totally agree with you "HOCKEY NEEDS INDIA".Hockey is a wonderful game than others but still we have not given enough recognition.When Indian cricket team win 20-20 world cup,we tend make the players larger than life "Heroes".But when indian hockey team wins any title,there's no postive response from authorities.If there's no recognition to these players,i wonder there will be any Hockey players in the future.

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