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Sania knocked out in semis

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saquib reza
RE:Cheat and Fraud Sania Mania
by saquib reza on Feb 10, 2007 11:33 PM
calling her a fraud is shameful......against our indianness...n by the way how is she fraud...by being a top 50 player in world ranking...dear dat rankin doesnt cm by media hype..it takes lot of sweat n blood out of person........u seem to have lost ability to judge...in which game r u champion?ludo..or smthin called SPITTIN SHITS..

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prakash jay
No Change
by prakash jay on Feb 10, 2007 09:17 PM  | Hide replies

She will never improve!!!

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Shridhar Aiyer
RE:No Change
by Shridhar Aiyer on Feb 11, 2007 03:17 AM
Hey prakash,
This girl has worked hard to reach where she is today ok? Everybody give her a bloody break. I don't think all you deliquent individuals commenting against her on this page even have the calibre to talk about her this and jesus...get a life guys...

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neeraj tanwar
sania's performance...........
by neeraj tanwar on Feb 10, 2007 08:40 PM

It is common to run down our athletes, for once we should step into their shoes and see things from their perspective. They do endeavour to give their best, they me not come out on tops but that does not mean that we castigate their efforts. If we could spare a moment and reflect and think could we have done better. Ups and downs are integral part of any thing we do. The optimistic view would be that we learn from our mistakes and move on and strive to perform better. Sania is no exception. We cannot say that she does not try .............she always does. We hear people running her down and speak of her failures. Why dont we see the other side that she has reached heights which no one has ever done in our country. That certainly needs to be appreciated and applauded. I for one will always back up our athletes for whatever they do........success and failure not withstanding. Let us not forget that a lot of these achievements have come inspite of poor infrastructure and recalcitrant sports administration. Sania reached semi finals that is great and some day she will win too.......All the best Sania. We are with you....

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William Noronha
Indian athletes are Habitual
by William Noronha on Feb 10, 2007 08:15 PM  | Hide replies

We have seen these happen very often Our athletes also lack the killer instinct they dnt have winning attitude Take our cricket team only they will win one tour and lose four others The coaches have to stratergise how is that they can get the australian attitude of winning all the time. If they can do it why not we?

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Deepak Dhyani
RE:Indian athletes are Habitual
by Deepak Dhyani on Feb 10, 2007 08:26 PM
Dear, Don't generalize all Indian players.... watch her game.... she got some EXTRA KILLER INSTINCT... you can never find her on back foot even she is loosing...

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Sanuman Kumar
RE:RE:Indian athletes are Habitual
by Sanuman Kumar on Feb 10, 2007 10:45 PM
sporting sense says that sometimes you need to go on back foot... sometimes you need to let someone win a battle so that you go on to win the war. Now *that* is something that sania and her supporters will never understand.

This result was not a surprise. She doesn't have the stamina/attitude to go the length. Soon her saleability will vanish, media will drop her like hot potato and all you 'fans' will move on to praise another underachiever.

cheers to all of you!

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RE:RE:RE:Indian athletes are Habitual
by c on Feb 10, 2007 11:38 PM
You are correct 100%

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mani b
As Expected!!!!!!!!!
by mani b on Feb 10, 2007 07:17 PM  | Hide replies

This is expected only..Nothing new !!!!!!!

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Rama Arivumani
RE:As Expected!!!!!!!!!
by Rama Arivumani on Feb 10, 2007 07:25 PM
Please engarage that girl...

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mani b
RE:RE:As Expected!!!!!!!!!
by mani b on Feb 10, 2007 07:31 PM
Its not mine or urs engragement,that will play ..she had to play...By so,we can't hide fact...Be practical atleast in sports...

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Vinay  Sharma
RE:As Expected!!!!!!!!!
by Vinay Sharma on Feb 10, 2007 08:36 PM
Did you ever played any game at national level befor putting comments on OTHER'S game.

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jimmy noronha
RE:As Expected!!!!!!!!!
by jimmy noronha on Feb 10, 2007 08:17 PM
Hasn't she defeated the one seeded two rungs ahead of her, isn't it some achievement, why criticise, can't we see the brighter side?

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Play World
RE:As Expected!!!!!!!!!
by Play World on Feb 10, 2007 08:16 PM
Mani u r a crap.just shut up ur foul mouth.Loosing or winning does not matter.Sania played well and it is not poor loosing.this is part of the game.Grow up mani !!!

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ankita  jha
RE:As Expected!!!!!!!!!
by ankita jha on Feb 10, 2007 08:22 PM
plz u shud look at the bright side!!!

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ArunKanti Chakraborty
RE:RE:As Expected!!!!!!!!!
by ArunKanti Chakraborty on Feb 10, 2007 08:29 PM
.. now pls stop calling her a sensation... !!!!

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RE:RE:RE:As Expected!!!!!!!!!
by on Feb 10, 2007 11:51 PM
well let's not get too emoional. one don't have to play national level to coach or comment, just need good analyical skills. look at new aus cricket coach.

I think for sania people are setting wrong expectation. she is no serenal williams. I think her goal should be to get into and stay in top 20 in the world. if she gets into top 10 hat will be a plus. I think she is on right track. after a good 2005, I guessed 2006 will be bad for her due to expectations and other factors of luck. 2007 I hoped she will start playing better and she already reached 2 semis. last year she only reached 1 semi entire year
so we should b patient and encourage her.

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