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Will Sania regain winning ways?

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Unwanted award and hype to this girl
by rahul on Feb 21, 2007 02:53 PM

We Indians have given her awards at very young age when she had to prove her mettle and bring fame to nation.. not in one game or few events.. in a consistent manner.AP govt gave her plot, money what not to encourage.. what about the poor athlets or sports ppl who are coming from remote villages. govt doest do anything to encourage them..shame for AP govt.

I doubt she can ever win any grandslams of her own with less experience compare to the competitors. time will decide.

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Sania's fitness
by on Jan 29, 2007 02:34 PM

In sports fields to attain success we need fitness stamina and consistency all these together leads to form of a player.Kapil Dev is considered to be the best Indian Cricketer of the Century and is always remembered for his fitness and stamina.Sania is very much talented but fitness is her problem.She is ageing and shows a downward trend in her performance.tennis is a hard game and compete with likes of Mouresmo and Serena Williams is very tough for a normal girl like Sania

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Jomesh George
Sania's fitness
by Jomesh George on Jan 29, 2007 02:32 PM  | Hide replies

In sports fields to attain success we need fitness stamina and consistency all these together leads to form of a player.Kapil Dev is considered to be the best Indian Cricketer of the Century and is always remembered for his fitness and stamina.Sania is very much talented but fitness is her problem.She is ageing and shows a downward trend in her performance.tennis is a hard game and compete with likes of Mouresmo and Serena Williams is very tough for a normal girl like Sania

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Balaji  Krishnamurthy
RE:Sania's fitness
by Balaji Krishnamurthy on May 26, 2007 06:23 PM
Aging!!!!! She is just 20. She needs to work on both her fitness and all aspects of her game. She also needs to learn good percentage play. Her present style of game is all or nothing, but she does'nt have the raw power to make it work. Let us wait and watch. It is refreshing to see someone with an attitude like her, but she needs to back it up with results

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RE:Sania's fitness
by rameinaussie on Mar 02, 2007 04:25 AM
write a new thought rather saying the same thing again and again

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by jugnesh on Jan 18, 2007 04:05 PM  | Hide replies

all indians are with him

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by karthik on Feb 19, 2007 05:50 PM
For your Kind Information...
Its Her,not Him..

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aswika singh
by aswika singh on Feb 21, 2007 12:26 PM
wat u want to show u a great genius or master of english mr karthik .....donot u have common sense to know what she is trying to say

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saraswati pandey
By Binu Singh
by saraswati pandey on Jan 11, 2007 11:52 AM

Yes,She will shine at Hobart in Semis. Best Wishes

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saraswati pandey
Best of luck
by saraswati pandey on Jan 11, 2007 11:49 AM

Yes,certainly she will do it in semis.good luck

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mysore prabhakar
Will Sania regain winning ways
by mysore prabhakar on Jan 10, 2007 03:13 PM

Yes. She will certainly get back to her form. Watch Hobart.

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