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Does Bollywood portray India?

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Does Bollywood potray india?
by S.Velmurugan on Mar 27, 2006 09:08 PM

I think people at helm of IOC has been driven craze for film starts and this started when the torch was carried for Athens olympics where instead of using the former sporting legends for carrying the torch we had to see film starts carrying the torch which represents the ethos of olympic movement and this has been carried forward to the commonwealth games held in Melbourne and it is really sad that we are respecting our sporting heros and officals at IOC are driven by glamour and gloss but nothing us and it is shame

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Its funny
by Sarma on Mar 27, 2006 08:59 PM

I totally disagree with this. If they want to show what India is all about to everyone then they could have brought so many other important people in all walks of life who have done wonders for India rather than bringing bollowood actors. They dont represent India in any way.

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Savitha Viswanath
think hard and reason
by Savitha Viswanath on Mar 27, 2006 08:55 PM

Those people who refuse to think or understand - let me give u all a clue:

Bring an NRI myself, i realise that the best way to attact people to come to india as a tourist or for next Common Wealth Games is by showing that India is a colourful and multicultural place. Agreed that there are lots of intersting and important things to show: but the specators would have yarned.

Remember that show of portray of ancestors picture by various people on the ground, saying that this is their "heritage"... well i yarned watching that in the TV.

Look, we need people to come in to India to watch the games and imagine those lakhs of people going around India before and after the common wealth Game in 2010 and the flourishing of India tourism...

For India's sake appreciate the fact that for those 11 mins no one could have done anything better than this to attact and keep the specators spell bound
- not the sportsmen or achieve, even if they are A Graded ones.

Sorry thats the way world works

oh btw, my British friends LOVED it. Few even said they will definitely make a trip to India sometimes.

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this really sucks
by jntuian on Mar 27, 2006 08:03 PM

What the hell is going on..
Thatz good that India bollywood is reached world
but that doesnt mean that all the reputed websites to report on the headlines
instead of this concentrate on building India with good stuff..
Movies only doesnt represent India
Please dunt ppost these articles as head lines instead you could have covered all the sports persons.i.e Indian contigent in Commonwealth

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Prashant D
Total Bakwas
by Prashant D on Mar 27, 2006 07:57 PM

Mumbai Film Industry (So called Bollywood) is total Bakwas. It's pitty that these people were showcased instead of the real SPORTS heros. I would like to slap and ask explantions to all those officials who would have brought this junk over there. Its really disgusting to find these junks over there....

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All these stars will fade one day !!
by sunil on Mar 27, 2006 07:45 PM

I pity Indian Mind, and not that all these stars were not paid, they were paid in crores to get the show done.

By 2010, these so called aishwariyas and rani's will become old, remember ash is 33 now and by 2010 she will be 37.

There are millions of children in millions of cities in India who would be the stars of commonwealth, they should be the one to potray india not some facy stars...

If i had the power, i would have put a PIL on these things...guys 15 crore's to this show that went to bollywood....what about the real stars of india

all bollywood does is cut copy and paste hollywood in hindi..

no words to describe we indians hyprocrisy

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bollywood the great???
by wilfy on Mar 27, 2006 07:38 PM

bollywood does not portray india it is very sad that movie stars stole the limelite inspite of all the hard earned medals by the athelets if sports persons are given due recogonitions and monetary benefits india should be on top of the world with 100 crores population. here in india even sports persons are not geting jobs also. imagine whether this will happen anywere else??

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Commonwealth 2010
by Parag on Mar 27, 2006 07:34 PM

It was a perfect start for the Commonwealth 2010 India Campaign. Just they are film stars why we are spreading bad thing about the bollywood. The commonwealth games are not only about the athletes of a country but it is an event of every person of individual country.
and for the success of such event every person in the host country plays a measure role, Melbourne 2006 would have not been successful without the contribution of people of australia. Its not about bollywood or sports. it is about a Nation. So in 2010, every Indian has to play a part in making the event memorable for entire world. It is time to unite. Dont spread such bad things through media. U have the power, use it to spread goodness.

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rajesh malhotra
Majorly disconnected from reality
by rajesh malhotra on Mar 27, 2006 06:55 PM

Dear Sir,

All aware people know how disconnected Bollywood is from the real India & how it keeps churning out the same farcical and kiddish stuff time and again.

Its sad when there are some shocking realities that we all face day in and day out, Bollywood believes in churning out movies based on falsehood and out of context topics.

Certainly it does not portray the real India.


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by Rajesh on Mar 27, 2006 06:55 PM

This was the worst thing we could have done. Instead of potraying the real talent that India has, they had to send these clowns. They should have sent some of our great musicians and sportsmen. Not such no-talent-cracks like Aishwarya Rai and Priyanka chopra. This is riciculous.

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