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Germany go through on penalties

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Lloyd Francis T
Argentina should have won
by Lloyd Francis T on Jul 02, 2006 10:46 PM

The way ARG played Ger should have lost by two goals, the referee was biased, Pekermann i doubt now may ride a benz car (German car )back home as his Taxi for his two substitution of Riquelme and Crespo was untimely and uncalled for, Of all the match i was trally sad for Argentina.It was a match of power and Talent, and money power won sadly at the end of the day.

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Argentina Won the hearts of the people
by Murali on Jul 01, 2006 05:03 PM

Germany Surely doesn't deserve a win...even though Pekerman underplayed his team..Argentina played splendidly and won millions of hearts world wide...Now I strongly feel no one can stop Brazil winnning this time also..I am still wondering why Saviola and Messi are kept as substitutes? Saviola's performance was truly classy in all the matches and why Riquelme and Crespo were called back and Cruz got a nod ahead of Aimar ? strange...and I feel luck is not in favour of Argentina......

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Yes Argentina Did deserve this win
by Amit on Jul 01, 2006 04:28 PM  | Hide replies

Argentina, did deserve the win for sure, because of the way they were playing. But more than the referee favourism towards the host nation it was the Argentine coach's mistake. How can u take out Riqueline and Crespo from the game especially when they were playing so well and you expect the game to go to Penaly Shoot out. Linoel Messi also deserved atleast 15 mins on the field. The coach's tactics cost Argentina heavily...what a shame..the most talented team goes back ...its a loss to the sport..

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RE:Yes Argentina Did deserve this win
by abhi on Jul 03, 2006 02:15 AM
Germans have proven again that they r unparallel under pressure. I dont know why people still doubt there 'never give up' attitude. If Argentina is so better team then they should have also done better in penalties. After all it is also part of the game. is not it?

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germany doesn't deserve to win..
by sunil on Jul 01, 2006 11:15 AM  | Hide replies

i saw the match and it should be said that only one team with skill and play deserve to win the match and that was Argentina. There was too much favourism for the host nation from referee for providing free kicks and yellow cards and discarded few free kick's to Argentina, which has effected the match and the players confidence.
Its disgraceful to see a world cup match played in such manners and one cans see there is too much racism involved in the matches played between especially african country.

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RE:germany doesn't deserve to win..
by Rickey on Jul 01, 2006 04:36 PM
I totally agree to the point that argentina were far better team tha germany look at the ball possesion and players agility.I truely feel they were ousted by bad referrind and some tactical mistake by their coach who took out Riquelma and crespo their main player before 90 mins and did not bring out Messi whom maradona has himself daclared as his succesor to Argentinian Reincarnisation.Better luck next time.I believe that the next time Argentina will surely won the wirld cup.

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Shaju Kochappan Thekkinedath Kapprassery
by Shaju Kochappan Thekkinedath Kapprassery on Jul 01, 2006 10:48 AM

I doubt whether there is any fraud in the game. The FIFA members have an interest to help Germany.

I Think the game has been controlled by MONEY (Billions of Dollars)

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Bad Luck Argentina could not sustain the lead goal-Lacking a player like Maradona
by Dr.P.Permanas on Jul 01, 2006 09:49 AM

Argentina lost due to poor finish on the given oppurtunities and are laso lacking a player
with the ability like Maradona the Legend,

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bad loss
by anil on Jul 01, 2006 05:56 AM

I am a big fan of Argentine football team. My heart broke when I saw Argentina being ousted in the penalties. They were the better team. Pekerman was foolish in choosing the players. Why did he not play messi, Aimar and Saviola in the 120 minutes? Why did he replace Riquelme? Was he gone mad? Once he departed Argentina looked too defensive. The best player, Messi was sitting on the bench. Aimar is a better player than Cambiasso. Why was Cruz
preferred? My playing eleven plus subsitutes would have been Abbondanzieri,Ayala,Sorín,Heinze,Saviola(tevez),Mascherano,Crespo(messi),Riquelme,aimar,Rodríguez and Scaloni. Pekerman did not utilize his resources. This is very bad loss for Argentina. Perhaps it was not their day.

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Argentina is a much better team than germany
by subodh on Jul 01, 2006 01:55 AM

Germany won bu luck.Argentina desrved to be in the finals.Because in the last 5years they have beaten brazil 10 times and brazil could not beat them in the last 5yrs.

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