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Break-point for tennis ace

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No proper news on the website
by Rashmi on Jul 29, 2005 09:47 AM

On the homepage there is a headline that says
"Delhi-Patna express blast kills 10" but when we click on to it to read the news that opens to a page that is linked to some sports news about a Tennis player from mumbai called megha and the headline is "Break-point for Indian tennis ace". So what should think about such a mistake on the website of such popularity.


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response to Break Point for Tennis ace
by JBD on Jul 28, 2005 08:09 PM

You think this was a story worth publishin??? With all due respects to Megha, i think it gives a fairly parochial view of life from the point of view of a person who's had it all! i would have appreciated to see something that proves the toughness of mumbaikars, not someone who says she will never go out in the rain again!!! she can afford to do that, what abt the rest of the unfortunate millions, who have to do it whether they like it or not!!! and u have gone to great lenghths to mention that they took the long way to hell to cross 2 lanes!!! this is all a bit too sycophantic. imagine small women and childern having no homes and u are talking of crossing 2 lanes in bandra!!! sorry guys, you may feel i m a bit too harsh on a simple article, but i had to have a go at this since i actually saw thousands wondering how in the world were they going to build their homes!!! as for megha, good luck to her in the upcoming tournaments.

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