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Sania goes down fighting

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Sania's match
by shantinath on Jan 21, 2005 01:58 PM

A proud moment for all indians as we can see games other than cricket have Indians challenging the international players.

wish you all the best sania

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Sania Mirza - A rising star in international tennis
by Srini on Jan 21, 2005 01:57 PM

Sania Mirza's show at Aus. Open is herstepping stone to success.
Though Sania ranked 166 lost to Serena ranked 8, she has shown the determination and proved that she has the stuff to try and achieve the impossible. She has kindled a glitter of Hope for the Indian Tennis in the coming future.
May her power of service raise from tournament to tournament.
May her first serve percentage raise to 100 percent
May God bless her in her future endeavours.

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sreekumar s
by sreekumar s on Jan 21, 2005 01:54 PM

Dear Sania Mirza,
Congradulations for your attempt with Serena Williams in Australian Open Tennis which shown you to make your path for a better future in the history of tennis. My hearty Id bubarak also. you got this gift of playing with serena williams is a memorable one in your life and do more work hard for your future competion also.
One again my hearty congradulations to you for your life aim which is your bread and butter as i quote.
Thanking you,
With regards,
Sreekumar S from Kochi.

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Anurag Mathur
Viva Sania
by Anurag Mathur on Jan 21, 2005 01:53 PM

Ces't la vie Sania. It happens to the best of us. ButI have been keenly following you through your travails and travels since the JC days and here is one big time fan announcing to the rest ofus that SANIA HAS ARRIVED. WATCH OUT WORLD !


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C S Raghavan
Sania Fights Tooth & Nail
by C S Raghavan on Jan 21, 2005 01:46 PM

I followed the match on the net especially during the 2nd set and Sania did fight well to pull from 2 game points down to hold serve.


Being her first 3rd round in a grand slam, she has done well, we back home are sure Sania will do all Indians proud in the near futrue

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Good work sonia!
by Biren on Jan 21, 2005 01:43 PM

I wud like to convey my message for sonia as ONE OF THE GREATE INDIAN ACHIEVER.No maater she has lost but still it is mproud to be in that position.

Keep trying.....

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Good luck
by K.S.Rao on Jan 21, 2005 01:42 PM


Thank u for good perfomance in Aus. Open. Good luck for future games.

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