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Sania sets up clash with Serena

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by sriram on Jan 19, 2005 11:42 AM

she should be encouraged to promote 'other' sports also.
Good performance.
Hope she playes three sets in the third round against sarens willaims.
All the best.

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Fantastic Achievement
by Venkat on Jan 19, 2005 11:40 AM

Sania's win in the 2nd round of Aus Open is a fantastic achievement. This is great for Indian tennis. This will certainly make every Indian proud. Hope she achieves greate milestions in here career.All the very best for Sania!!!! Keep it Up!!!

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ajay kumar
congratulation sania
by ajay kumar on Jan 19, 2005 11:11 AM

well done sania. go ahead sky is the only limit not serena. we are proud of you.


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vikas kumar
sania wins
by vikas kumar on Jan 19, 2005 11:07 AM

great. makes us pride. reach further.

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What a surprise?
by Pranav on Jan 19, 2005 10:57 AM

Sania really must have surprised millions of people around the world now that she has made it in to the third round. It feels great that she is a Hyderabadi.

Great job Sania.

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Go Girl !!!!
by Ram on Jan 19, 2005 10:51 AM

Sania... u just keep that Indian Bandwagon rolling... I hope u perform beyond your wildest expectations and even beat Serena Williams... Now if that isnt a shot in the arm for Indian Tennis, then what is? Go make us proud... Go Girl!!!

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Amalendu Ranjan
Congrates Sania
by Amalendu Ranjan on Jan 19, 2005 10:46 AM

Many congrates to Sania. You have done us proud. You better know you have all merit to register a win over Serena. The country is with you. Do feel a Crores of claps when ever you score a point over Serena.
Well done. Do keep it up.
Amalendu, Kolkata

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Dr. Arindam Sengupta
Sania ,the pride of Modern India, - Lage Raho Sania
by Dr. Arindam Sengupta on Jan 19, 2005 10:39 AM

Sania, the pride of Modern India, I wish Sania beats Serena too. It is not the wish from me only, in fact, it is the wish of all One Billion Indians. Lage Raho Sania

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