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Real Madrid sack coach

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Real need to breathe fresh air
by Samir on Dec 06, 2005 01:15 PM

the sacking was inevitable. one doesnt spend so much of money on quality players like robinho, baptista and then get thrashed by arch rivals. the play vy real this season has been way below par though they are scraping with victories. the other sad part was the selling of micheal owen, as robinho hasnt done much.

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You are destroying the club, perez
by libyh on Dec 05, 2005 09:50 AM

It all started with the removal of Del Bosque when Real were doing rather well. From there on its been all downhill and real dont seem like they are in for any silverware this season around either. Its a shame that such a legendary club is being run to the ground by the maniav perez and all that the supporters can do is racially boo Carlos.Its high time they get Carlos Sainz in as club president. Perez has to go not the coach. Perez is ruining the great club with his foolhardy transfers and his patronage of raul. Its not raul madrid , perez. Throw perez out and get guus hiddink in as coach.

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