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Gill clean chit for Rach

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clean chit
by Sameer on Sep 03, 2004 06:53 AM

"There is nothing wrong with Rach" look who says that. There is wrong with you both. This was not clean chit this was a cheat speaking. Just resign from the post and please let the Indian Hockey prosper. taht woudl be the best thing you would do for the game.
You not seen around would be better for the Indian Hockey to regain its lost glory.

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Anuj Sharma
Re Gill
by Anuj Sharma on Aug 27, 2004 10:37 PM

Gill sahab aap ne "a b c d" ek din mein seikh lee thi kya?
How can you expect the palyers to master the new positions and technique in such a short period of time. India was not playing against school going teams they were playing against the best players in the world who must have practiced same combinations for years not just weeks.


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Get Rid of Gill
by vatsa on Aug 27, 2004 08:09 PM

When can Indian Hockey get rid of KPS Gill. Since time immemorial Mr. KPS Gill has run the IHF like it is feifdom. Just like everything else in India, Hockey is also politicized. For four years, nothing happens and we expect our players to perform miracles at the Olympics. Look at the other teams, there support structure is remarkable and for all that we have officials travelling still with our atheletes, who had absolutely no value.

We need to get in foreign coaches, a la John Wright, Andrew Leipus, Greg King. Get the infrastructue and support in place. Make every one accountable. That is the only way to get results.

Hockey is still a big passion amongst most Indians, if we have every accountable I am sure even the sponsors will not be far behind. Lot of Indians are waiting for that elusive Hockey Gold in our times.

I am sure with the right process and structure in place, Indian Hockey can do it.

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Gill is right !! it is high time to accept your weekness
by HSS on Aug 27, 2004 07:00 PM  | Hide replies

I completly agree with Gills statement. It is the player who has to perform on the field not the coach, and it was very clear on TV that our team was not able to stop the pass from other team players, some best example is that forward was not able to stop the pass from mid field or it was given to the opposite team players which shows that we were not upto the mark, moreover team was not able to create penality corners after going into the D of opposite team, where a coach can only tell how to create a penality corners but cannot create them from bench. So, i think it is high time now instead of critizing each others, hockey management should sit and think along with other senior (retired) players of hockey and take there suggestions and plan accordingly, we don't want excusses, we want a Winning combination and a team who is stable and not worried about who the other team is (whether Holland or Australia) or stay on the mercy of other teams performance in a tournament. Finally, my last point that we found one new weekness i.e final minutes in a match, we are unable to stop the opposite team from scoring a goal, which has costed us very much in Australia and NZ matches.

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RE:Gill is right !! it is high time to accept your weekness
by sameer on Sep 03, 2004 07:14 AM
please try to understand that a person of the calibre of Mr. Dhanraj Pillay, Mohammed Shahid, Bhaskaran and Rajinder singh, when these people comment onthe that then people like you and me who knows Nuts about the game should keep our mouth shut.
How many international games Mr.Gill has played? If we cannot back the above mentioned qualified guys atleast do not shout against them.
We have lost our glory and to get it back the people like Gill and Rach has to be shown the door

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