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India in football final

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anilkumar jampala
INDIAN Foot Ball match
by anilkumar jampala on Oct 30, 2003 04:47 PM

I am very happy to see this Foot Ball Final at LB Stadium in the Afro Asian games i.e.between India and Uzbekistan. As weteran foot Ball Player I almost enjoyed the matches and team performance againest Zimbabwe on yesterday. I request them Keep it in the final too. Centre Forward is the key in the next match.
anil kumar jampala

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Vijayan Done It
by Parameswaran on Oct 29, 2003 08:53 PM

Im vijayan superb perfomance you and congrats to you and we the Indians hope you will you give the Indian Team the Gold medal.Good Luck

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molino pereira
congrad's India
by molino pereira on Oct 29, 2003 07:02 PM

to the Indian football team


you have done a good job by making a place for your team (our team) in the finals

we are proud of you

all the best for the finals

win or loss makes no difference

we are with you



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indian team is my team 4 life go go go''!!!indian football!!!!''
by jorden on Oct 29, 2003 06:59 PM

great guy great
go go go u can do it!!!!! its u the silent but deadly killers who will win the soccer gold ur my team 4 life

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