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India beat Rwanda: AAG football

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Dr Rangaesh Gadasalli
India beats Rwanda
by Dr Rangaesh Gadasalli on Oct 22, 2003 10:17 PM

Dear Sir,
Victory is a victory whether it is an A team or a B team.Indian soccer has patrons, fans an support.But what is lacking is the right coach, and lack of international competetion.Indians could be as good as Argenina,Brazil or Chile , which are all great soccer nations.Physique, talent, mass support and govt support is there.Let the Corporate world the Hitech Gurus get involved with soccer.It will bring wonders for India.Did any body know that the Indian team had won a Olympic Bronze medal in an olympic in Austarlia? 1945?
Good luck Soccer players.We love you.

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Atalanta Kar
Great Start.
by Atalanta Kar on Oct 22, 2003 09:52 PM

Congratulations to Indian Foot Ball team for this flying start. Now keep it up for the entire tournament. just think about winning each game.
Wish u all the best.

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